Market analysis
In addition to the internal reaccreditation process for computer science degree programmes in 2017, a market analysis was carried out by the staff of the ‘Increasing student success’ project. This analysis was driven by specific questions posed by the department heads, which could not be dealt with comprehensively as part of the st
Market analysis
In addition to the internal reaccreditation process for computer science degree programmes in 2017, a market analysis was carried out by the staff of the ‘Increasing student success’ project. This analysis was driven by specific questions posed by the department heads, which could not be dealt with comprehensively as part of the st
AUSLANDSSEMESTER* Bachelor Maschinenbau *integriertes Auslandssemester Absolvieren Sie Ihr 4. Semester im Ausland, ohne Ihre Studiendauer zu verlängern! Partnerhochschule Munster Technological University in Cork, Irland Auslandssemester Ende Januar – Ende Mai (4. Semester) Informieren Sie sich im Vorfeld über mögliche Überschneidungen mit Prüfu
AUSLANDSSEMESTER* Bachelor Maschinenbau - Schwerpunkt Engineering - *integriertes Auslandssemester Absolvieren Sie Ihr 4. Semester im Ausland, ohne Ihre Studiendauer zu verlängern! Partnerhochschule Universidad de Valladolid, Spanien Februar – Juni (4. Semester) Auslandssemester 30. November Bewerbungsfrist an der Partnerhochschule Vor Ihr
AUSLANDSSEMESTER Master Maschinenbau / Mechatronik *integriertes Auslandssemester Absolvieren Sie ein Semester im Ausland, ohne Ihre Studiendauer zu verlängern! Partnerhochschule University West (Högskolan Väst) in Trollhättan, Schweden Auslandssemester Ende August – Mitte Januar (Wintersemester) Bewerbungsfrist an der Partnerhochschule 1. M
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The master class in computer science!
Our Master's degree programs in Computer Science
Putting computer science into practice with a flexible range of degree programs
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