Project MPFL (DAAD)

Further information:

Project ESEMA (Elstatik-Foundation)

Electrostatic effects in magnetic field force microscopy

A measurement signal in magnetic field force microscopy includes signals from magnetic forces as well as signals from other short- and long-range forces. Measuring nanoparticles, the electrostatic forces are often of the same order of magnitude as the magnetic forces and can overlap them. In this project, the electrostatic forces that occur in magnetic field force microscopy are systematically studied and options are developed to separate electrostatic and magnetic forces in experiments.



Auslandsbeauftragte FB IMST, Forschungsschwerpunkt Integrierte Miniaturisierte Systeme FB IMST, Projekt DAAD-Meeting Point Functional Layers MPFL,, Projekt Struktur und Dynamik magnetischer Nanopartikel in Polymer-Matrix an Oberflächen FB IMST

Nanocarriers in flexible matrix for transdermal applications (TRAPP)

Nanoparticles are already an integral part of biomedical diagnostics.
Particularly for drug delivery, the use of nanoparticles is becoming increasingly important not only in cancer therapy but also in the treatment of other diseases due to their unique capabilities and relatively low side effects.

This project focuses on the characterization of stimuli-responsive iron oxide-containing nanocarriers for transdermal applications. Essential steps in this context are the characterization of the encapsulated particles with respect to physical properties as well as toxicity and cellular uptake mechanisms, the demonstration of stimuliresponsive release and the integration of the particles into a carrier material for transdermal applications.

For this purpose, the particles will be measured by magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and their behavior in high frequency magnetic fields as well as cell-like environments will be investigated.

Funding: Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)