Research Group
We are an interdisciplinary research group at University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern in Zweibrücken. The research group belongs to the Department of Computer Science and Microsystems Technology (I/MST) and is directed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Müller.
The research group's main activities are the development of new methods for the extraction of DNA, the testing of new DNA isolation reagents, the development of a portable microsystem and the sequence of the complete fecal genome.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Müller
Studiengangsleitung: "Applied Life Sciences, Bachelor" "Physician Assistant, Bachelor", Fachkommission IMST Bachelor MBW FB IMST, Projekt Zelluläre Assays zur Detektion von Proteininteraktionen FB IMST, Prüfungsausschuss Bachelor MBW FB IMST
- +49 631 3724-5427oliver.mueller(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Room H145