- Tadala, L., Schuster, J. und Wittwer, W.: Surface Modification of Plasticized PLA by N2 Plasma to Improve the Barrier Properties,
In: Journal of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, S. 1 - 5, 20222022
- Palle, R.R., Schuster, J., Shaik, Y.P. und Kazmi, M.: Fabrication and Characterization of Glass Fiber with SiC Reinforced Polymer Composites,
In: Open Journal of Composite Materials,, Vol. 12, S. 16 - 29, 20222022
- Shaik, A.S., Schuster, J., Shaik, Y.P. und Kazmi, M.: Manufacturing of Biocomposites for Domestic Applications Using Bio-Based Filler Materials,
In: Journal of Composite Science, Vol. 6, Nr. 78, S. 1 - 15, 20222022
- Shaik, Y. P., Schuster, J., Katherapalli, H. R. und Shaik, A: 3D Printing und High Ambient Pressures and Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Printed Parts,
In: Journal of Composite Science, Vol. 6, Nr. 16, S. 1 - 12, 20222022
- Shaik, Y. P., Schuster, J., Katherapalli, H. R. und Shaik, A: Process Development of Additive Manufacturing Using Variable Pressure Conditions,
In: Design and Technology, Vol. 88, Nr. 130, S. 23 - 35, 20222022
- Pipalla, P., Schuster, J. und Shaik, Y.P.: Experimental Analysis on 3d Printed Onyx Specimens with Honeycomb Infill Structure,
In: Journal of Advanced Material Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, S. 1 - 10, 20212021
- Gottmann, J., Vestner, J., Müller, D., Schuster, J. und Fischer, U.: Uptake and Release of Aroma Compounds by an Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Rubber Sealing Polymer: Investigating Aroma Carryover in a Model Wine System,
In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 69, Nr. 38, S. 11382 ? 11394, 20212021
- Vijaybhaskar, N, Schuster, J. und Shaik, Y. P.: Design Optimization and Steady-State Analysis of a Wheel Rim,
In: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, S. 41 - 50, 20212021
- Shaik, Y. P., Schuster, J., and Tummala, R. C.: Impact of 3D printing patterns and post-consolidation pressure on mechanical properties of FDM printed samples,
In: American Journal Online, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, S. 1 - 10, 20212021
- Kazmi, S.M.R., Schuster, J. und Lutz, J.: Exploring the potential to uniquely manufacture curved VARTM epoxy composites using cost-effective FDM-molds,
In: Open Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 10, Nr. 3, S. 45 - 65, 20202020
- Schuster, J., Chen, M.H. and Govignon, Q.,: Kissing Bonds - Gezielte Herstellung und Detektion mit Ultraschall,
In: Proceedings "DACH-Konferenz, 20192019
- Schuster, J., Müller, D., Chen, M.-H. und Govignon, Q.: Ultrasonic testing combined with pattern recognition for the detection of kissing bonds,
In: Open Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 9, Nr. 3, S. 260 ? 270, 20192019
- Schuster, J. and Lutz, J.: Evaluierung eines Eistribometers - Tribologische Untersuchungen an ultrahochmolekularem Polyethylen auf Eis,
In: Proceedings "Snowstorm-Konferenz", 20192019
- Schimmer, F., Motsch, N., Hausmann, J. und Schuster, J.: Comparative study on the damage tolerance of thermoset and thermoplastic glass-fiber reinforced plastics,
In: Proceedings "The Twenty Second International Conference on Composite Materials", 20192019
- Schuster, J., Chen, M.H. und Govignon, Q.,: Assessment of adhesive bond quality by using ultrasonic testing combined with pattern recognition,
In: Proceedings "The Twenty Second International Conference on Composite Materials", 20192019
- Schuster, J., Höfler, G., Lin, R. und Jayamaran, K.: Lightweight Design of rotational moulded parts with ultrathin fibres,
In: Proceedings Internationales Kossigyn-Forum, 20192019
- Schuster, J. und Schütz, M.: Modelling of thermal conductivity of carbon fibre composites with inhomogeneous heat flux in out-of-plane direction,
In: Proceedings "Twentyfifth International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, 20172017
- Hannemann, B., Backe, S., Schmeer, S., Balle, F., Breuer, U.P. und Schuster, J.: Hybridisation of CFRP by the use of continuous metal fibres (MCFRP) for damage tolerant and electrically conductive lightweight structures,
In: Composite Structures, Nr. 172, S. 374 ? 382, 20172017
- Srinivasan, M., Glitza, K.W., Sanny, B., Schuhmacher, A., Duhovic, M., Schuster, J.: Out-of-plane thermal conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced composite filled with diamond powder,
In: Open Journal of Composite Materials, Nr. 6, S. 41 - 57, April, 20162016
- Schuster, J., Schütz, M., Lutz, J., Lempert, L: Prediction of the Enhanced Out-of-plane Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Fiber Composites Produced by VARTM,
In: Open Journal of Composite Materials, Nr. 6, S. 100 - 111, October, 20162016
- Schuster, J., Schütz, M.: A comprehensive strategy to increase the out-of-plane thermal conductivity of carbon fiber composites processed by vacuum assisted resin transfer molding,
In: Proceedings 17th European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM17, Munich, Germany, June, 20162016
- Schuster, J.: Strategies to increase mechanical properties of rotationally moulded parts,
University of Auckland, Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Auckland, New Zealand, 20152015
- Schuster, J., Kazmi, S.M.R., Lutz, J.: Manufacturing and testing of curved fiber composites using vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding (VARTM),
In: Proceedings The Twentieth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM20, Kopenhagen, Danmark, July, 20152015
- Schuster, J., Govignon, Q., Bickerton, S.: Processability of biobased thermoset resinsand flax fibres reinforcements using vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding,
In: Open Journal of Composite Materials, Nr. 4, S. 1 - 11, January, 20142014
- Schuster, J.: Ultrasonic testing of thin-walled filament-wound CFRP-tubes by means of double-through transmission technique,
In: Proceedings The Ninetienth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM19, Montreal, Canada, July - August, 20132013
- Schuster, J., Duhovic, M., Bhattacharyya, D.: Manufacturing and Processing of Polymer Composites,
In: Synthetic Polymer-Polymer Composites, Fakirov, S., Bhattacharyya, D. (Hrsg.), S. 35 - 70, Carl-Hanser-Verlag München, 20122012
- Schuster, J., Govignon, Q., Bickerton, S.: Biobased thermoset resinsand flax fibre reinforcements processed by vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding,
In: Proceedings Eleventh Internatinal Conference on Flow Processing in Composite Materials - FPCM11, Auckland, New Zealand, July, 20122012
- Schuster, J., Heider, D., Sharp, K, Schneider, G., Schönborn, C., Glowania, M.: Out-of-plane thermal conductivities of three-dimensionally woven fabric composites,
In: Proceedings Nineteenth International Symposium on Processing and Fabricatiuon of Advanced Materials - PFAM19, Auckland, New Zealand, January, 20112011
- Schuster, J., Govignon, Q., Bickerton, S., Bhattacharyya, D.: Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding with biobased resins and natural fibre reinforcement,
In: Proceedings The Eighttenth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM18, Jeju, South Korea, July, 20112011
- Schuster, J.: Methodische Konstruktion von Faserverbundbauteilen,
In: GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe, Vol. 63, Nr. 4, S. 231 - 235, 20102010
- Schuster, J., Seegmüller, S.: Besserer Brandschutz für Flüssigholz (WPC) durch Beschichtung,
In: Holz-Zentralblatt, Vol. 136, Nr. 19, S. 490, 20102010
- Schuster, J., Heider, D., Sharp, K, Schneider, G., Schönborn, C., Glowania, M.: Analysis of out-of-plane thermal conductivities of three-dimensionally woven fabric composites,
In: Proceedings The Sevententh International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM17, Edinburgh, UK, July, 20092009
- Schuster, M., Peetz, L., Schuster, J., Ogale, A. and Mitschang, P.: Qualitative analysis of sewed preforms by visual online-monitoring of stitch-hole variation under compaction,
In: Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 68, Nr. 1, S. 312 - 320, 20082008
- Schuster, J., Heider, D., Sharp, K., Glowania, M.: Thermal conductivities of three-dimensionally woven fabric composites,
In: Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 68, Nr. 9, S. 2085 - 2091, 20082008
- Schuster, J., Heider, D., Sharp, K., Glowania, M.: Measuring and modeling of thermal conductivities of three-dimensionally woven fabric composites,
In: Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 45, Nr. 2, S. 165 - 174, 20082008
- Riedler, M., Schuster, J.: Das Echo der Naht,
In: Konstruktionspraxis, Nr. 6, S. 76 - 78, 20072007
- Sharp, K., Heider, D., Schuster, J, and Bogdanovich, A.E.: Through-thickness thermal conductivity in composites based on 3-D fiber architectures,
In: Proceedings SAE 2007 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, Nr. 07ATC-212, Los Angeles, USA, September, 20072007
- Schuster, J.: Thermal conductivity of three-dimensionally reinforced composites,
University of Delaware, Center for Composite Materials, Newark, DE, USA, 20072007
- Bender, D., Schuster, J., Heider, D.: Flow rate control during vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) Processing,
In: Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 66, Nr. 13, S. 2265 - 2271, 20062006
- Schuster, J., Neu, C.: Holzfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste: Kein Brandschutz für alle Fälle,
In: Kunststoffe, Vol. 96, Nr. 9, S. 182 - 186, 20062006
- Schuster, J.: When material data face reality at the example of a built catapult,
In: Proceedings Seventh World Pultrusion Conference - WPC7, Nr. 20, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March, 20042004
- Schuster, J.: Polypropylene Reinforced with Chicken Feathers,
In: Proceedings The Fourtenth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM14, Nr. 1740, San Diego, USA, July, 20032003
- Schuster, J., Trahan, M., Heider, D., Li, W.: Influence of the fabric ties on the performance of woven-in optical fibers,
In: COMPOSITES: Part A, Vol. 34, Nr. 9, S. 855 - 861, 20032003
- Schuster, J.: Einsatz von phase changing materials im Schuhbereich,
In: Proceedings Materialien - die Rolle von Textilien zur Verbesserung der Lebensfunktionen von Menschen in der Umwelt, Nr. 66 - 73, Moscow, Russia, 20022002
- Schuster, J., Mang, P.: Selbst verspannende Laubholzdübel aus Flüssigholz,
In: Holz-Zentralblatt, Vol. 139, Nr. 11, S. 1742, 20012001
- Schuster, J., Mang, P.: Neue Offenheit - Mit Benchmarking zur sicheren Zertifizierung,
In: QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit, Vol. 46, Nr. 12, S. 1530 - 1534, 20012001
- Nowacki, J., Schuster, J., Mitschang, P., Neitzel, M.: Thermoformen von GFK,
In: Kunststoffe, Vol. 89, Nr. 6, S. 56 - 60, 19991999
- Bechtold, G., Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Thermographiemessungen an Fassaden von zwei Häusern verschiedenen Alters,
In: WKSB - Zeitschrift für Wärmeschutz, Kälteschutz, Schallschutz & Brandschutz, Vol. 42, Nr. 39, S. 39 - 43, 19971997
- Schuster, J.: The effect of thermoforming on the tensile strength of unidirectional discontinuous aligned fiber composites,
In: Proceedings The Eleventh International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM11, Nr. IV-379 - IV-388, Gold Coast, Australien, July, 19971997
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Modelling of mechanical properties of discontinuous aligned fiber composites after thermoforming,
In: Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 57, Nr. 4, S. 405 - 413, 19971997
- Bechtold, G., Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Polymere Verbundwerkstoffe mit Ultraschall bei tiefen Temperaturen prüfen,
In: Materialprüfung, Vol. 39, Nr. 4, S. 139 - 142, 19961996
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Modelling of the effect of thermoforming on the mechanical properties of discontinuous aligned fiber composites,
In: Proceedings "The First International Conference on Composite Science and Technology - ICCST1, Nr. 463 - 469, Durban, Südafrika, June, 19961996
- Savadori, A., Schuster, J.: Thermoplastic Composites,
In: The Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia: Synthesis, Properties and Application, S. 8326 - 8343, CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, 19961996
- Schuster, J.: Das Ermüdungsverhalten und die zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von thermogeformten Hochleistungs-Thermoplasten mit diskontinuierlicher Kohlenstofffaserverstärkung,
VDI-Verlag Fortschrittberichte Reihe 5: Grund- und Werkstoffe, 19951995
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: The fatigue behaviour of thermoformed discontinuous aligned fiber composites,
In: Proceedings The Tenth International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM!=, Nr. I-593 - I-600, Whistler, Canada, July, 19951995
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Signal/noise-ratio of laser-based-ultrasonics and traditional piezo-electric transducers - a comparison,
In: Proceedings First Joint Belgian-Hellenic Conference on Non Destructive Testing, Nr. 81 - 88, Patras, Greece, May, 19951995
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Signal/Rausch-Abstand und Frequenzanalyse bei der Ultraschallprüfung von Verbundwerkstoffen,
In: Proceedings Jahrestagung der DGZfP Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, Nr. 53 - 60, Timmendorfer Strand, Germany, 19941994
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Fatigue testing of thermoformed bidirectional LDF-composites,
In: Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, S. 55 - 68, 19941994
- Schuster, J., Selzer, R., Friedrich, K.: Characterization of fiber alignment and fiber volume content of long-fiber reinforced composites,
In: Advanced Composite Letters, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, S. 21 - 26, 19941994
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: The fatigue behaviour of thermoformed unidirectional LDF-composites,
In: Proceeding SAMPE-Europe, Toulouse, France, June, 19941994
- Selzer, R., Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Frequency effects and damage accumulation during fatigue of polymer-based composites,
In: Proceedings Second European Conference on Composites ECCM CTS 2 Testing & Standardisation, Nr. 129 - 137, Hamburg, Germany, September, 19941994
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Verbundwerkstoffen,
In: Materialprüfung, Vol. 36, Nr. 11 - 12, S. 468 - 474, 19941994
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Thermographie des Schadensverlaufs bei polymeren Verbundproben,
In: Materialprüfung, Vol. 36, Nr. 7 - 8, S. 298 - 301, 19941994
- Lauke, B., Schuster, J., Schöne, A., Friedrich, K.: Temperature profile of a FIT-tow passing a preheating chamber,
In: Composites Engineering, Vol. 4, Nr. 3, S. 309 - 316, 19941994
- Schuster, J., Bauer, C., Friedrich, K.: Influences on the signal/noise ratio during ultrasonic inspection of composites,
In: NDT & E International, Vol. 26, Nr. 5, S. 255 - 260, 19931993
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Characterization of deformation states after thermoforming of long discontinuous fiber composites by using ultrasonics,
In: Advanced Composite Letters, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, S. 18 - 20, 19931993
- Schuster, J., Steiner, K.V.: Ultrasonic backscattering using digitized full-waveform scanning technique,
In: Journal of Composites Technology & Research, Vol. 15, Nr. 2, S. 143 - 148, 19931993
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Analyse von Faserorientierungen in kurzfaserverstärkten Polymer-Verbundwerkstoffen mittels Bildverarbeitung,
In: Praktische Metallographie, Vol. 30, Nr. 2, S. 58 - 67, 19931993
- Schuster, J., Bauer, C., Friedrich, K.: Optimization and standardization of ultrasonic-NDE-inspection for testing complex shaped composite structures,
In: Proceedings 25th International SAMPE Technical Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 19931993
- Schuster, J., Friedrich, K.: Nondestructive characterization of deformation states after thermoforming of LDF,
In: Proceedings International Symposium on Composites: Fracture Mechanics and Technology, Nr. 371 - 378, Moscow, Russia, June, 19921992
- Schuster, J.: Ultrasonic testing of windtunnel blades,
Universität Kaiserslautern, Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe (IVW), Kaiserslautern, Germany, 19921992
- Pfeifer, T., v. Wachter, F. and Schuster, J.: Backscattering - Neues Ultraschallprüfverfahren für Faserverbundbauteile,
In: Ingenieur-Werkstoffe, Vol. 2, Nr. 9, S. 46 - 49, 19901990
- Schuster, J., Steiner, K.V.: Correlations between ultrasonic waveforms and artificially implanted defects in composite materials,
In: Journal of Composites Technology & Research, Vol. 12, Nr. 1, S. 52 - 57, 19901990
- Schuster, J.: Untersuchungen zum Auflösungsvermögen und des Nachweises von Faserrichtungen mittels Ultraschall,
RWTH Aachen, Werkzeugmaschinenlaboratorium (WZL), Aachen, Germany, 19901990
- Schuster, J.: Roboterunterstützte Ultraschallprüfung an Faserverbundbauteilen,
RWTH Aachen, Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV), Aachen, Germany, 19891989
- Schuster, J.: Study of correlations between ultrasonic waveforms and artificially implanted defects in composite materials,
University of Delaware, Center for Composite Materials (CCM), Newark, DE, USA, 19891989
- Schuster, J.: Investigations related to irregularities during the production of filament wound tubes,
Nobel Plast AG, Ljungby, Sweden, 19891989
- Schuster, J., Frey, T.: Design of a composite elevator car using the house of quality,
University of Delaware, Center for Composite Materials (CCM), Newark, DE, USA, 19881988
- Schuster, J.: Rechnergestützte Qualitätskontrolle (CAQ) an Faserverbundwerkstoffen am Beispiel der Wareneingangsprüfung,
RWTH Aachen, Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV), Aachen, Germany, 19881988

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schuster
FacultiesAngewandte Logistik- und Polymerwissenschaften
ConsultationsMittwoch 12:30 - 13:30 Uhr
in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit mittwochs 10:00-11:00 Uhr nach Vereinbarung