Non-destructive testing
- Various infrared cameras (Micro-Epsilon TIM450/400, Infratec ImageIR® 8300)
- Measuring systems for thermocouples and thermistors (National Instruments, Keysight)
- Uni- and bipolar current sources from Toellner/Kepco for electrical resistance measurement
- Barkhausen noise measurement systems (QASS Optimizer µMagnetic, Stresstech Rollscan)
- Various magnetic field sensors (self-made, based on Hall, GMR, Fluxgate)
- Magnetic field camera (Matesy cmos-magview XL)
- Eddy Current (Rohmann Elostest M3)
- Various 2-D DIC systems (LIMESS Messtechnik)
- Phased array (Olympus/Evident OmniScan X3)
- Single-scale ultrasonic inspection system (Olympus/Evident EP65)