- Reflected light microscope (Zeiss Axioplan 2)
- Confocal microscope (Zeiss Smartproof 5)
- Stereo microscope (Olympus special setup)
- Digital microscope (Olympus DSX 1000)
- 3D laser scanning microscope (Olympus LEXT OLS5100)
- Magneto-optical Kerr microscope (Evico Magnetics)
- Scanning electron microscope (TESCAN Clara Mark III) with EDX (EDAX), EBSD (EDAX) and STEM (TESCAN)
- Atomic force microscope (Quesant Q250)
X-ray diffractometer
- GE XRD 3003 PTS µB (monocapillary 100 µm Cu-Ka, special setup Eigenmann)
- Seifert XRD 3000 PTS (monocapillary 120 µm Cr-Ka, special setup Eigenmann)
Further analytical systems
- Contact stylus instrument (Taylor Hobsen special set-up)
- Spectral analysis (ThermoFischer Scientific ARL 3460)
- Instrumented micro hardness tester (Helmut Fischer Fischerscope HM 2000)
- Macro hardness tester (Wolpert, Zwick/Roell DuraVision 20 G5)
- Scanning electron microscope with EDX (Zeiss Supra)
- Magnetic field camera (Matesy cmos-magview XL)