

9944 Ergebnisse:
  • 831. Studienverlauf - Abschlussarbeit
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Abschlussarbeit Das 8. Semester ist der Bachelor-Thesis vorbehalten. Neben der Ausarbeitung der Abschlussarbeit wird ein Kolloquium, ein wissenschaftliches Gespräch zur Bachelorthesis, abgehalten. Modulhandbuch  Studienverlaufsplan
  • 832. PR und Presse
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Doppelmaster: Von Kaiserslautern nach Santa Fe An der Hochschule Kaiserslautern (HS KL) gibt es den Studiengang „International Management and Finance“ der zusammen mit der argentinischen Universidad del Litoral (UNL) einen deutsch-argentinischen Doppel-Master-Abschluss, innerhalb 3 Semester anbietet. Die Lehrveranstaltungen werden in beiden Län
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Downloads Statutory foundations which are particularly relevant for the study of the new master degree programs are: Examination Regulations FSM_IMF_MM The Examination Regulations may still be subject to change while the accreditation process is ongoing. Further information and important documents are provided for you in the folder Guide for
  • 834. Contacts & Services
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Services Institution / Subject;Description;Link International Office;Advisory for the semester abroad in the Erasmus+ program; AStA Zweibrücken;Providing guidance for matters related to sports, social activities and excursions; a.i.m. rlp;Information
  • 835. Application and Admission
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Application and Admission Application: Online-Application Admission requirements: Language requirements: Applicants who are not native speakers of English need a comprehensive knowledge of English, at least at level B2; TOEIC Listening and Reading 785; TOEIC Speaking and Writing 310; TOEFL iBT 87; TOEFL ITP 543; IELTS 6,0; Cambridge Engli
  • 836. Study Plan
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Study Plan The course of studies has a duration of three semesters including a semester abroad at the cooperating university in Santa Fe. In the first semester, the theoretical basis is set by lectures about management and finance. Two semesters are accompanied by a Spanish language and culture course. Throughout the studies, there is a mixtu
  • 837. Career Outcomes
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Career Outcomes The combination of theory, practice and the international orientation characterizes this course of studies and provides a unique chance to work successfully in the financial services sector all over the world or with a focus on the increasing Latin American market. Nowadays globalization is an important topic and how can you be bet
  • 838. Facts
    Datum: 26.03.2024
  • Doppelmaster: Von Kaiserslautern nach Santa Fe An der Hochschule Kaiserslautern (HS KL) gibt es den Studiengang „International Management and Finance“ der zusammen mit der argentinischen Universidad del Litoral (UNL) einen deutsch-argentinischen Doppel-Master-Abschluss, innerhalb 3 Semester anbietet. Die Lehrveranstaltungen werden in beiden Län
  • 840. Downloads - Downloads
    Datum: 26.03.2024
    Downloads Statutory foundations which are particularly relevant for the study of the new master degree programs are: Examination Regulations FSM_IMF_MM The Examination Regulations may still be subject to change while the accreditation process is ongoing. Further information and important documents are provided for you in the folder Guide for
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