We all contribute to the success of students!

[Translate to Englisch:]


 The University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern is a place where teaching, research and services are provided at a high level and in a pleasant, familiar atmosphere for its community and external parties. The university has qualified staff, lean processes, good technical equipment and close networking with internal and external visibility.


The service points form the organisational foundation of the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern. The service centres provide a suitable framework for this. Their services support successful teaching, research, administration, transfer and continuing education. The service centres work at interfaces and aim to facilitate structured and fluid cooperation, like interlocking cogwheels. They co-operate and thus achieve synergy effects in the provision of their respective services.

Transparency, mutual respect, appreciation, fairness, trust, humanity, communication at eye level and confidentiality are required to ensure the smooth and smooth running of the cogwheel factory. Cooperation remains objective, constructive and goal-orientated.

Long version

The university's service units comprise all supporting organisational units for teaching, research, transfer and continuing education. In order for students to successfully complete their studies at the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern, a good support structure is required. This ranges from technical services, the computer centre, administration, the library, examination offices and student advisory services to support services for students, support services for teaching staff in teaching, research, transfer and the strategic development of the university. The service centres see the provision of their services as their most urgent task for all members of the university as well as for external partners and potential students.
The service centres aim to be contact points that people are happy to turn to and that offer those seeking help the best possible support in solving their problems. 
All of these service centres work at interfaces between internal and external partners and with all status groups at the university. In this interface function, they are particularly aware of the boundaries between the locations, departments and status groups of the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern and want to do their part to break down the resulting barriers and strengthen the university community. This is achieved with the help of good communication between all stakeholders at the university and through transparency with regard to tasks and areas of responsibility. Our own work is characterised by competence, clear work assignments, sustainability and good internal coordination. In this way, everyone contributes to the goal of good teaching, research, transfer and continuing education at the university. 
The service centres form the foundation on which customised solutions can be built to achieve optimal work results. The objectives and work assignments are implemented holistically, i.e. with a view to the impact on all areas of the university. Synergies are utilised and processes are kept as lean as possible. The service centres work together like cogwheels, which all interlock and thus contribute to the optimal operation of the entire university. 
In order to achieve the objectives, emphasis is placed on tackling the problems that arise in a solution-orientated manner. The respective experts network for this purpose. The joint work and exchange takes place under the premise of openness to results, trust in the quality of the other person's work and reliability. Information is exchanged with an appropriate degree of confidentiality. Everyone is committed to working together to find constructive solutions to problems and to help each other. 
The service centres do their part to maintain the competitiveness of the University of Apllied Science Kaiserslautern and to contribute to the university's excellent regional, national and international reputation. To ensure this, the service should continue to be structured, transparent, comprehensive, target- and customer-orientated and competent.
Durch gegenseitiges Zuhören und Anerkennung der Expertise wird das Potential der Servicestellen optimal ausgeschöpft. Der Wandel in Technik und Gesellschaft bedingt auch die Bereitschaft, die Ausgestaltung des eigenen Arbeitsbereichs anzupassen. Der Wille die eigene Arbeit zu reflektieren treibt die Weiterentwicklung des angebotenen Service und die eigene Weiterqualifizierung an. Dafür haben alle stets eine offene Tür, d.h. sie sind erreichbar und ansprechbar, für die Belange aller Hochschulangehörigen, insbesondere für die Studierenden und Studieninteressierten, aber auch für die externen Partner.The service centres see themselves as service providers on an equal footing with all other stakeholders at the university. The way we work together is characterised by a collegial working relationship that is characterised by respect, appreciative communication and trust between all those involved. The way we treat each other, including our superiors and the university management, is characterised by respect. Together, everyone makes an equal contribution to the success of the students and the reputation of the university. When independent service centres work together, mistakes are also made from which one can learn. Objective criticism and a collegial exchange create a working atmosphere in which solutions are found in a goal-orientated, objective and constructive manner. This also means that everyone takes responsibility for their own area of work, from the administrative level to the management level, which supports its employees appropriately in carrying out their work.