

1863 results:
  • 561. Finding skilled workers
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Finding skilled workers Are you looking for new employees? Get in contact with the next generation of academics at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern. We can put you in touch with the right contacts, assist in your search for employees, and provide information on what the Hochschule Kaiserslautern has to offer. Contact Inquiries to the Department
  • Finding skilled workers Are you looking for new employees? Get in contact with the next generation of academics at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern. We can put you in touch with the right contacts, assist in your search for employees, and provide information on what the Hochschule Kaiserslautern has to offer.
  • What we offer Dual study with integrated practical phases: Working while studying If you would be interested in employing good students to work for you alongside their studies, thereby ensuring a source of skilled workers for the future, then our dual cooperative study model (KOSMO) would be perfect for you. Students will work at your company i
  • 564. Florian Juner
    Date: 22.09.2023
    Student Research Assistant Member of Student Council (AING) Member of Department Council (AING) 2021 – today    Student Research Assistant Materials Science Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern 2017 – today    Study of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation, University of Appl
  • 565. Florian Juner
    Date: 20.06.2022
    Student Research Assistant Member of Student Council (AING) Member of Department Council (AING) Function at the University of Applied Sciences
  • 566. Florian Juner
    Date: 17.11.2023
    2021 – today    Student Research Assistant Materials Science Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern 2017 – today    Study of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern   Curriculum Vitae
  • 567. Florian Juner
    Date: 28.03.2022
  • 568. Florian Juner - Florian Juner
    Date: 20.11.2023
    Florian Juner e-mail:  
  • 569. Foerderung_Studierende.pdf
    Date: 26.04.2024
    Studierende Programm der Europäischen Union zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit der europäischen Hochschulen sowie des Austausches von Studierenden Stud i enaufenthalte an ein er Erasmus-Partn er hochschule werden über das 10 koordiniert ► notenunabhängiges Stipendium ► monatliche finanzielle Zuschüsse (Pauschale, abhängig vom Zielland ) ► Befreiung v
  • 570. Form Master
    Date: 15.07.2020
    Form Master
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