

1863 results:
  • 551. Learn languages - Learn Languages
    Date: 03.05.2023
    Learn Languages
  • 552. International Programmes
    Date: 03.05.2023
    Application t3://page?uid=2148#29994 Programmes t3://page?uid=2148#28090 International Players t3://page?uid=2148#21306
  • International Programmes
  • 554. International Programmes
    Date: 19.04.2023
    You can also study cooperative at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences as an international student in the programme KOSMO To all study programmes of the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences click here All Study Programmes t3://page?uid=11 _blank Double Degree Programmes t3://page?uid=4440 _blank Study coopera
  • 555. Team
    Date: 19.04.2023
    Riko Schanzenbach Student Research Assistant
  • 556. Go abroad
    Date: 19.04.2023
    Internship No study abroad? Do an internship abroad! Gain professional experience, experience different ways of working and open up valuable career opportunities. t3://page?uid=4373 Learn languages Your foreign language competences are a little rusty? Take advantage of the offers of our university! Improve your foreign language sk
  • 557. Go abroad - For Students
    Date: 19.04.2023
    For Students Study in Europe Erasmus+ is the easiest way to organize a study stay in the EU! Study one or two semesters at one of our partner universities within Europe and benefit from an Erasmus scholarship. 4408 Study worldwide Rather further away? Visit lectures all over the world! Study one or two semesters at one of our partner un
  • 558. Team
    Date: 19.04.2023
    B. Eng. Vanessa Hayna Student Research Assistant
  • Riko Schanzenbach e-mail:
  • 560. eMedia
    Date: 18.04.2023
    eMedia The University Library of Kaiserslautern is constantly expanding its range of electronic media. eBooks The electronic books licensed by the University of Kaiserslautern in the fields of technology, computer science, natural sciences, economics, business and economics, engineering are available in full text and can be searched via the eOP
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