

1859 results:
  • 361. Dominik Thome
    Date: 17.11.2023
    Forecast models for the remaining Lifetime an continued Operation of wind Turbines (FutureWind) Research projects
  • 362. Dominik Thome
    Date: 17.11.2023
    2022 – today    Master's Degree,  Mechanical engineering, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern 2020 – today    Student Research Assistant Materials Science Laboratory, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern 2017 – 2022    Study of Mechanical Engineering, Production Technolo
  • 363. Dominik Thome
    Date: 18.10.2021
  • 364. Dominik Thome
    Date: 22.09.2023
    Student Research Assistant (Materials Science Lab in Cooperation with AG Rauch, Department of Building and Design) Forecast models for the remaining Lifetime an continued Operation of wind Turbines (FutureWind) 2022 – today    Master's Degree,  Mechanical engineering, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
  • B. Eng. Dominik Thome e-mail:
  • 366. Double degree
    Date: 06.02.2024
    Courses of studies Study programmes Degree Department of Kaiserslautern UAS Partner university Country Further information & Contact Engineering Technology Master Computer Science and Microsystems Technology Universiteit Hasselt Belgium from winter semester 2024/25 (link coming soon) Financial Services Management Master Business Administration Un
  • 367. Double Degree
    Date: 07.07.2021
    Double Degree at the University West in Trollhättan Due to a stay abroad at the University West in Trollhättan (Sweden) you can earn a Double Degree under certain requirements. University West will award a M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Hochschule Kaiserslautern a M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics. Your stay abroad at Universit
  • Any further questions? The respective course directors are available to answer any further questions you may have.
  • 369. Double degree - Courses of studies
    Date: 23.02.2024
    Courses of studies Study programmes Degree Department of Kaiserslautern UAS Partner university Country Further information & Contact Engineering Technology Master Computer Science and Microsystems Technology Universiteit Hasselt Belgium from winter semester 2024/25 (link coming soon) Financial Services Management Master Business Administration Un
  • Double Degree at the University West in Trollhättan Due to a stay abroad at the University West in Trollhättan (Sweden) you can earn a Double Degree under certain requirements. University West will award a M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Hochschule Kaiserslautern a M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics. Your stay abroad at Universit
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