Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences - from the region, for the region, into the world
The Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is a modern university for applied sciences and design. Around 5,500 students from more than 80 countries and some 150 professors study, teach, and research in five faculties at the Kaiserslautern, Pirma
er Ho ch s chu le er n hatronik ec Elektrote ch n Systeme d M he isc t l au Kaisers Wir suchen für das Thema Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung eines modularen Datenloggers (Projektarbeit und Praxisphase) einen Studierenden im Bachelorstudiengang ET oder MT Elektromagnetische Systeme der Mechatronik (Prof. Urschel) Ausschreibung vom 29.
The magneto-optical Kerr effect, discovered by John Kerr in 1876 and named after him, describes the change in the properties of polarised light when reflected by a magnetic surface. This involves the rotation of the plane of polarisation on the one hand and the change in intensity of the polarised light on the other. This is illustrated in Fig. 2
Use of Kerr microscopy to characterise the development of damage in steels
The Kerr microscope used in the project is a two-in-one system. Fig. 1 therefore shows both the near-field microscopy with the corresponding non-magnetic Epiplan Neofluar objectives (20x0.5 Pol; 50x0.8 Pol; 100x1.3 Pol) and the arrangement of the far-field (Carl Zeiss Op
Use of Kerr microscopy to characterise the development of damage in steels
The Kerr microscope used in the project is a two-in-one system. Fig. 1 therefore shows both the near-field microscopy with the corresponding non-magnetic Epiplan Neofluar objectives (20x0.5 Pol; 50x0.8 Pol; 100x1.3 Pol) and the arrangement of the far-field (Carl Zeiss Optic
Use of non-destructive testing methods in a new one-specimen testing strategy for estimating fatigue data
The aim of the present research project is to exploit the potential of non-destructive testing methods, the digitalisation of measurement technology and signal processing to combine them with a novel one-specimen testing strategy in order to a
The measurement signals obtained in this way will be analyzed with regard to their progressions and occurring patterns, whereby in particular the simulation of the measurement signals using commercial simulation software such as COMSOL can make a significant contribution to understanding and interpretation. The experimental investigations, simula