

2566 results:
  • Contact What is mentoring? Mentoring is when a person (a mentor) with advanced knowledge passes on this knowledge to a less experienced person (a mentee). Ambassador program You have finished the first semester and you like studying at our university.  Find out more about the Ambassador program of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern. Mentorin
  • 2352. BotschafterInnenprogramm
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Contact Presentations in Schools Want to go to university? If so, what do you want to study? How does a degree course work? What requirements do I have to fulfill? Before deciding on an education or a career, students are faced with a lot of questions. As part of the Ambassador Program, two university representatives usually visit students
  • 2353. Kaiserslautern
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Student Secretariat Kaiserslautern Office Hours Student Secretariat Kaiserslautern Click here for an overview off our office hours Monday: office hours with prior appointment Tuesday: office hours from 09:00 till 12:00 and 13:30 till 15:00 o´clock Wednesday: office hours with pior appointment Thursday: office hours from 09:00 t
  • 2354. Zweibrücken
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Student Secretariat and Examination Office Zweibrücken Faculty for Business Studies Degree course;Contact person;Room;Extension 0631/3724-;Email Business Informatics;Broschart, Ute;H109;5171; Business Studies (Distance learning);Link, Anja;H130;5170; Economics and Law;Eicher, Diana;H105;5125;diana.eicher@hs
  • 2355. Pirmasens
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Student Secretariat Pirmasens Examination Office Pirmasens Faculty for Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences Degree course;Contact person;Room;Extension 0631/3724-;Email Applied Chemistry;Schäfer, Uschi;A002;7057; Applied Pharmacy;Schäfer, Uschi;A 002;7057; Angewandte Polymerchemie;Schäfer, Uschi;A
  • 2356. Citavi
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Quick access Citavi Homepage Download Citavi Request the license key  Citavi Web Settings file Short guide Video channel Questions to Citavi? Citavi Reference Management - free for members of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern The Hochschule Kaiserslautern has purchased a campus license for the software "Citav
  • 2357. Lightweight Design
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Contact HTS "Lightweight Design" Research Area: Lightweight Design The increasing scarcity and increase in the cost of natural resources is increasing the pressure to develop weight-optimized components in all areas and making the development of resource-efficient means of transportation indispensable. Lightweight construction plays a centra
  • 2358. Mechatronics
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Contact HTS "Mechatronics" Research Area: Mechatronics Mechatronics has become a highly attractive area of ​​engineering worldwide. The interdisciplinary linking of mechanical, electronic and information technology modules to mechatronic systems characterizes modern mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and the electrical engineerin
  • 2359. Energy
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Contact HTS "Energy" Research Area: Energy The implementation of the Energiewende is one of the central topics of the Federal Government, which is crystallized, among other things, in the 6th Energy Research Program. The efficient conversion, transfer and use of energy plays a key role in this. In the field of efficient energy conversion, the
  • 2360. Lightweight Design
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Facilities & Equipment "Lightweight Design" The equipment of the IKW at the location Pirmasens is according to the expert opinion of the ASIIN on university level: Ultrasonic testing system with diving tank lateral / rotary, 0.5 - 30 MHz Ultrasonic testing system with air coupling 200 kHz Universal testing machine Zwick 20 kN with optic
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