Thank you to all patrons WS 2021/2022!
abat+ GmbH Adient Components Ltd. & Co. KG Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Corning GmbH CTC advanced GmbH DCON Software & Service AG Empolis Information Management GmbH Europäische Stiftung Finanzwirtschaft Zweibrücken General Dynamics European Land System-Bridge Systems GmbH HDP GmbH Ingenieu
Girls only
The university hopes to introduce female students to their prospects at an early age and show that an academic education in a STEM subject will offer excellent possibilities for their future careers. Additionally, companies’ expectations of prospective employees’ skills have changed. Alongside technical qualifications, they are also loo
Info box
Example of the STEM Mentoring Days schedule FAQs Online registration Registration form Consent form for image use
What does STEM stand for?
STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In German, it is known as “MINT” (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik).
What is me
What is mentoring?
Mentoring is when a person (a mentor) with advanced knowledge passes on this knowledge to a less experienced person (a mentee).
Ambassador program
You have finished the first semester and you like studying at our university. Find out more about the Ambassador program of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern.
Presentations in Schools
Want to go to university? If so, what do you want to study? How does a degree course work? What requirements do I have to fulfill?
Before deciding on an education or a career, students are faced with a lot of questions.
As part of the Ambassador Program, two university representatives usually visit students
Student Secretariat Kaiserslautern
Office Hours Student Secretariat Kaiserslautern
Click here for an overview off our office hours
Monday: office hours with prior appointment
Tuesday: office hours from 09:00 till 12:00 and 13:30 till 15:00 o´clock
Wednesday: office hours with pior appointment
Thursday: office hours from 09:00 t
Student Secretariat and Examination Office Zweibrücken
Faculty for Business Studies
Degree course;Contact person;Room;Extension 0631/3724-;Email
Business Informatics;Broschart, Ute;H109;5171;
Business Studies (Distance learning);Link, Anja;H130;5170;
Economics and Law;Eicher, Diana;H105;5125;diana.eicher@hs
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Citavi Reference Management - free for members of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern
The Hochschule Kaiserslautern has purchased a campus license for the software "Citav
Contact HTS "Lightweight Design"
Research Area: Lightweight Design
The increasing scarcity and increase in the cost of natural resources is increasing the pressure to develop weight-optimized components in all areas and making the development of resource-efficient means of transportation indispensable. Lightweight construction plays a centra