

1865 results:
  • 1711. M. Sc. Wei Zhang
    Date: 15.03.2024
    Wei Zhang, M. Sc. Research associate Campus Kaiserslautern, Building F, Room F2.010 E-Mail:
  • 1712. Haysman Emmanuel, B. Eng.
    Date: 15.03.2024
    Haysman Emmanuel, B. Eng. Student assistant E-Mail:
  • 1713. Haysman Emmanuel, B. Eng.
    Date: 15.03.2024
    Curriculum vitae Since 2020 Studies of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern (M. Eng.) 2015 – 2020 Study of electrical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern (B. Eng.)
  • 1714. M. Eng. Sebastian Bold
    Date: 15.03.2024
    Sebastian Bold, M. Eng. Research associate Campus Kaiserslautern, Building F, Room F2.010 Phone: +49 631 3724-2327 E-Mail: sebastian.bold(at) Functionalities Leader of the research project DIAdEM seminar leader: Electrical drive technology Research work Technical diagnostics Electrical machines and drives Cu
  • 1715. PE-DPP
    Date: 15.03.2024
    Power Electronics Development and Prototyping Project The course of study at the university, which is definitely application-oriented, lacks the teaching of practical competencies with regard to completed complex (performance) electronic development processes. Only partial aspects can be taught in the lectures, exercises and laboratory courses. Th
  • 1716. Team
    Date: 18.03.2024
    Head of P3E Research Associates Assistants Student assistants Former Employees Andre Becker, M. Eng.
  • 1717. Education - Courses Summer Semester
    Date: 18.03.2024
    Courses Summer Semester Leistungselektronik Dozent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schumann Übungsleiter: NN Laborbetreuer: Simon Holzmann, B. Eng Modulhandbuch Antriebstechnik Dozent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schumann Übungsleiter: NN Modulhandbuch Elektronik-Labor Dozent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schumann Laborbetreuer: Simon Holzmann,
  • 1718. Education - Courses Winter Semester
    Date: 18.03.2024
    Courses Winter Semester Elektronik und EMV Dozent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schumann Übungsleiter: N.N. Modulhandbuch OLAT-Kurs: Schumann: Elektronik und EMV Intelligente Antriebe Pflichtfach im Master-Studiengang ET. Die Vorlesung wird letztmalig im Wintersemester 2021/2022 angeboten. Dozent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schumann Übungs
  • 1719. KOSMO for students
    Date: 22.03.2024
    KOSMO Team The ideal combination of theory and practice...... With KOSMO, we offer a cooperative study model in close partnership with businesses, which offers students and local businesses the opportunity to get to know one another early on. KOSMO is a form of dual study with integrated practical phases. The target group includes all students
  • 1720. How does the study model work?
    Date: 22.03.2024
    KOSMO contact How does the study model work? With KOSMO, we offer a cooperative study model in close partnership with businesses, which offers students and local businesses the opportunity to get to know one another early on. Together with your peers studying foundation subjects, you will regularly attend lectures and events at the university.
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