

1859 results:
  • 1611. Simone Eggert
    Date: 13.03.2023
    2020 7 Endres, K and Eggert, S, Presentation of Scientific Institutions, “NeurodegX” Neuroforum (De Gruyter), 25.07.2020, IF 2020: 0.21  8 Eggert, S.*, Grübl, T.*, Rupp, C., Sander, B., Heesch, A., Rajender, R., Zimmermann, M., Höpfner, S., Zentgraf, H., Kins, S., Th
  • 1612. Simone Eggert
    Date: 13.03.2023
    2018 9   Eggert, S., Kins, S., Thomas, C., Hermey, G, Trafficking in Alzheimer’s disease: odulation of APP transport and processing by the transmembrane proteins LRP1, SorLA, SorcS1c, Sortilin and Calsyntenin, Mol Neurobiol 2018 Jul;55(7):5809-5829. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0806-x. Epub 2017 Oct 27. Review. Corresponding author 10&nb
  • 1613. Simone Eggert
    Date: 10.08.2020
    Biography: Since 2011 Research assistant, Kins lab, TU Kaiserslautern, (Alzheimer's disease) 2005 - 2010 Post-doc, Koo lab, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), School of Medicine, USA, (Alzheimer´s disease) 2004 - 2005 Post-doc, Beyreuther lab, University of Heidelberg
  • Simone Eggert, PD Dr. Contact:                      s.eggert[at] Research assistant at the University of Kaiserslautern
  • 1615. Specialist Exhibitions
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Specialist Exhibitions The Department for Research and Project Coordination supports in the field of presenting research results on internationals exhibitions. Our university regularly takes part in: CeBIT HMI Achema Medica Department for Research and Project Coordination
  • Specialist Exhibitions The Department for Research and Project Coordination supports in the field of presenting research results on internationals exhibitions. Our university regularly takes part in: CeBIT HMI Achema Medica
  • 1617. Specialist Portals
    Date: 16.08.2018
    Specialist portals Engineering Applied Life Sciences Building and Design Business Administration Computer Sciences / Microsystems Technology Logistics
  • 1618. Specialist Portals - Link zu Katalog
    Date: 04.12.2017
    Link zu Katalog
  • Specialist portals Engineering Applied Life Sciences Building and Design Business Administration Computer Sciences / Microsystems Technology Logistics
  • Du stehst kurz vor dem Sprung ins Berufsleben oder möchtest ein Studium beginnen, aber weißt nicht welche Ausbildung oder welcher Studiengang zu dir passt? Oder möchtest du dich gerne weiterbilden oder deinen Schulabschluss nachholen? Dann lass dir die Sprungbrett nicht entgehen – die Messe für Ausbildung, Studium und Weiterbildung in Ludwigshafen
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