

1859 results:
  • 1481. Research - Project MPFL (DAAD)
    Date: 10.03.2021
    Project MPFL (DAAD) Further information:
  • Projects funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) Microstructure-based fatigue life calculation „MibaLeb II“  The joint project "MibaLeb" comprises of the development of a methodology for the evaluation of the degradation of steels used for the productio
  • Publicly funded research projects (finished) SOPHi (Kopie 1) Collaborative project (BMWi) OPTIMUM Collaborative project (BMBF) Eco-Pump-Drive Collaborative project (BMBF) https://
  • Publicly funded research projects (ongoing) TELMa Collaborative project (Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung) DIAdEM Collaborative project (BMBF) HYDRESS Collaborative project (BMBF) https://w
  • 1485. Research - Research
    Date: 09.03.2021
    Research Substance evaluation and development with electrophysiological methods on heterologously expressed ion channels Technical further development of modern methods of cellular electrophysiology (MEA and patch-clamp technique) up until pharmacological screening methods Physiology and pathophysiology of CNS and ENS diseases such as diseas
  • 1486. Research - Research
    Date: 10.03.2021
    Research Intracellular signal transduction in tumour cells Cellular models for screening novel cancer therapeutics Molecular diagnosis of tumours New methods to isolate DNA from difficult samples and the complete fecal genome analysis
  • Research at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences The Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences offers attractive research areas for guest researchers in the fields of engineering, economics, design, health, and computer science.
  • Research projects funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation Tissue engineering of tissues in complex hydrogels using three-dimensional electrical and magnetic stimulation The project is in the field of tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is the production of tissue substitutes in the laboratory. The aim is to produce tissue analogous to intesti
  • Research projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Micro- and nanostructured hard magnetic materials and components for microtechnical applications "MiNaMag"  The limited availability of rare earth metals has increased the pressure to search for alternative, rare earth-free magnetic materials as well as for
  • Research projects funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) Separation of surface and volume damage due to HCF/VHCF loading to identify the re-use potential of quenched and tempered steels In order to be able to use the pre-damaged components again in new machines and systems after reconditioning, a quantitative evaluation is required, w
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