Current activity:
2009-current Head of Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Academic Education:
2014 Venia Legendi Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Geology 2005 &n
Kristina Endres, PD. Dr. rer. nat., Biochemistry Specialisation
Faculty of Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Website Research Group „Molecular Mechanisms of Healthy Ageing and Neurodegeneration"
Graduate Biologist, Head of Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Projekt „Studierenden-Erfolg erhöhen“ Marktanalyse im Rahmen der Reakkreditierung der InformatikStudiengänge an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern 22. September 2020 | Hanna Hettrich, Yvonne Berkle, Kathrin Kilian Zusammenfassung Was erwarten Unternehmen, wenn sie Absolvierende aus Informatik-Studiengängen einstellen? Eine Marktanalyse der Hochschule
Informations Scholarships for talented students who are particularly characterised by social commitment The Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Studierender und des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz, hereinafter referred to as the Scholarship Foundation for short, has established a funding programme aimed at talented students w
The services we offer:
Micro and macro hardness tests Tensile tests (RT and HT, up to 100 kN) Fatigue tests (RT and HT, up to 140 kN, up to 260 Hz) Radiographic examinations (residual stress measurements and phase analysis) Microscopic examinations (light, laser, digital, confocal, electron microscopy) Roughness measurements (tac
Use of laboratory infrastructure
For questions regarding the use of the test and analysis facilities at the WWHK, please contact
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mario Dieter Elicker (Head of Lab) E-Mail
M. Sc. Fabian Weber (mechanical testing) E-Mail
M. Sc. Janina Koziol (analytics and microscopy) E-Mail
Prof. PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Starke E-Ma