Enrollment Certificates

As a student at our university, you can simply print out your enrollment certificates yourself during your studies:

  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Certificate in accordance with § 9 BAföG
  • Master data sheet

You can generate these certificates via the Bewerber- und Studierendenportal as soon as you have been issued your student ID smart card and set up a student account at the computer center.

You can find information to assist with logging in to the Bewerber- und Studierendenportal using the ‘Help’ option before logging in on the portal homepage. After logging in, you can then select the menu option “Studienbescheinigungen” [enrollment certificates]. If you need any additional help with this, you may find the ‘Help’ function to be useful here, too.

The certificates can be inspected by the receiving authorities and institutions using the online verification procedure. You will not be automatically sent enrollment certificates for later semesters.

Little tip: At the start of each semester, save a PDF of each certificate. This way, the certificates will be available to you at all times.

Do you need another kind of certificate? Then, as always, please contact your Studierendensekretariat