Smart Shoes
Research on possible mechanisms according to requirements of shoe comfort and physiological effects.Damping and stiffness of shoes influence comfort on the one hand and efficiency of movement on the other hand. Shoes with remote control of damping and stiffness will be developed to widen the suitable range of application - e.g. from a comfortable standing to a fast walking situation.MEMS sensors and miniaturized actuators are required due to limited space. Wire-less charging and Bluetooth LE will allow to achieve a robust waterproof package as it is needed for wearables within the harsh shoe environment.
Smart Shoes
Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung IGF-Vorhaben 18466 N der Forschungs - vereinigung Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e.V. gefördert durch das Bundes minis - terium für Wirtschaft und Energie
Duration12/2014 - 11/2017