PROSENSE – Cancer Diagnosis:Parallel Sensing of Prostate Cancer Biomarkers
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network PROSENSE aims at training a new gene-ration of young scientists in the interdisciplinary techniques and methods required to meet the major challenges in the development of diagnostic tools for prostate cancer. It brings together training by experts from the biosensor technology area and those from life sciences and medicine that work on cancer biomarker research.PROSENSE is a coordinated research training network involving university groups, R&D sections of small and medium enterprises, research institutes, hospitals and the R&D section of a large enterprise from the biomedical field. The scientific aspects of PROSENSE are centred around the themes of: Development and study of biomar-kers, Detection techniques development, Probe immobilisation and characterisati-on, System integration and validation. In Zweibrücken we are developing tools for detection of prostate-specific biomarkers with silicon nanowire sensors and with sensors based on graphene.
PROSENSE – Cancer Diagnosis:Parallel Sensing of Prostate Cancer Biomarkers
Contact persons
Marie-Curie network activity, Marie Curie Initial Training Network PROSENSE,7th EU framework program
Duration01.10.2012 - 30.09.2016