High-RAIMS: High-resolution Raman-Microscopy and nanoscale material analysis to support the material science subjects of the research focus IMS
Raman spectroscopy is a widely used optical method for material analysis. In the research focus ‘Integrated Miniaturised Systems’ (IMS) several research groups have demanding needs for such a high resolution analysis.Examples are the graphene materials – as for instance addressed in BINAGO and in PROSENSE – or doping profiles of silicon in nanowire sensors.For the novel directions in IMS towards nanotechnologies such as nanoparticles or structures generated from nanoimprint lithography, the classical Raman spectros-copy faces physical limitations.The new, cutting-edge Raman Microscopy setup realized in High-RAIMS is com-bining a classical Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) with a multi-purpose Raman Spectroscope using fibre optics. This enables ‚tip-enhanced‘ Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) to chemically identify and characterise nano-objects such as carbon flakes, carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, etc.High-RAIMS is a combined project and a coordinated action of several research groups under the umbrella of IMS. In the BMBF program fh-invest such a ‚large investment‘ was funded in 2015. It will be a precious germ cell to generate many future projects in IMS.
Contact persons
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Duration01.01.2015 - 30.06.2016