Tanja Brigadski, Prof., Dr. rer. nat.
Professorin für optische und elektrophysiologische Anwendungen in der Biomedizin, Hochschule Kaiserslautern

Vorsitz Prüfungsausschuss: "ALS Teilzeit, Master" "Applied Life Sciences, Bachelor" "Applied Life Sciences, Master" "Biomedical Micro Engineering, Bachelor" "Micro- and Nanoengineering, Bachelor" "Micro Systems and Nano Technologies, Master" "Mikrosystem- und Nanotechnologie, Bachelor" "Physician Assistant, Bachelor" " Systems Engineering for Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems or Biomedical Micro Engineering, Master", Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Vertretung, Prüfungsausschuss ALS/BME/MNE/MNT Bachelor FB IMST, Prüfungsausschuss ALS/MNT Master FB IMST, Stimmberechtiges Mitglied des Senats, Vertrauensprofessorin FB IMST
- +49 631 3724-5127tanja.brigadski(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Room H144
2011 - 2016 | Juniorprofessorin für Molekulare Neurophysiologie am Institut für Physiologie |
2008 - 2010 | Wissenschaftliche Angestellte am Institut für Physiologie |
2007 | Wissenschaftliche Angestellte am Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
2007 | Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Deutschland) |
2003 - 2007 | Dissertation im Fachbereich Biologie (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Deutschland) |
1998 - 2003 | Studium der Biochemie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Abschluss: Diplom-Biochemikerin |
Mitglied der Society for Neurosciences, Mitglied der Neurowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Mitglied der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft
Publikationen zum Thema
1 Woelfer M, Li M, Colic L, Liebe T, Di X, Biswal B, Murrough J, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Walter M. Ketamine-induced changes in plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are associated with the resting-state functional connectivity of the prefrontal cortex. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Nov 4:1-15.
2 Leschik J, Eckenstaler R, Endres T, Munsch T, Edelmann E, Richter K, Kobler O, Fischer KD, Zuschratter W, Brigadski T, Lutz B, Lessmann V. Prominent Postsynaptic and Dendritic Exocytosis of Endogenous BDNF Vesicles in BDNF-GFP Knock-in Mice. Mol Neurobiol. 2019 Oct;56(10):6833-6855.
3 Becke A, Müller P, Dordevic M, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Müller NG. Daily Intermittent Normobaric Hypoxia Over 2 Weeks Reduces BDNF Plasma Levels in Young Adults - A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. Front Physiol. 2018 Oct 1;9:1337.
4 Rehfeld K, Lüders A, Hökelmann A, Lessmann V, Kaufmann J, Brigadski T, Müller P, Müller NG. Dance training is superior to repetitive physical exercise in inducing brain plasticity in the elderly. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 11;13(7):e0196636.
5 Jordan W, Dobrowolny H, Bahn S, Bernstein HG, Brigadski T, Frodl T, Isermann B, Lessmann V, Pilz J, Rodenbeck A, Schiltz K, Schwedhelm E, Tumani H, Wiltfang J, Guest PC, Steiner J. Oxidative stress in drug-naïve first episode patients with schizophrenia and major depression: effects of disease acuity and potential confounders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2018 Mar;268(2):129-143.
6 Müller P, Rehfeld K, Schmicker M, Hökelmann A, Dordevic M, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Kaufmann J, Müller NG. Evolution of Neuroplasticity in Response to Physical Activity in Old Age: The Case for Dancing. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Mar 14;9:56.
7 Bode C, Richter F, Spröte C, Brigadski T, Bauer A, Fietz S, Fritschy JM, Richter A. Altered postnatal maturation of striatal GABAergic interneurons in a phenotypic animal model of dystonia. Exp Neurol. 2017 Jan;287(Pt 1):44-53.
8 Schega L, Peter B, Brigadski T, Lessmann L, Isermann B, Hamacher D, Törpel A (2016). Effect of intermittent normobaric hypoxia on physical performance and cognitive function in older people. J Sci Med Sport. S1440-2440(16)00063-3.
9 Eckenstaler R, Lessmann V, Brigadski T (2016). CAPS1 critically regulates BDNF release and intragranular pH of secretory granules. J Cell Sci. 129(7):1378-90.
10 Seifert B, Eckenstaler R, Rönicke R, Leschik J, Lutz B, Reymann K, Lessmann V, Brigadski T (2016) Amyloid-beta-induced changes in vesicular transport of BDNF in hippocampal neurons. Neural Plast. 2016:4145708.