
J. Tenkamp, M. Awd, S. Siddique, P. Starke, F. Walther, Fracture–Mechanical Assessment of the Effect of Defects on the Fatigue Lifetime and Limit in Cast and Additively Manufactured Aluminum–Silicon Alloys from HCF to VHCF Regime, Metals 10, 943 (2020) 1-18.

R. Acosta, H. Wu, R.S. Venkat, F. Weber, J. Tenkamp, F. Walther, P. Starke, SteBLife, a New Approach for the Accelerated Generation of Metallic Materials’ Fatigue Data, Metals 10, 798 (2020) 1-17.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Beck, T. Hielscher, T. Eyrisch, P. Starke, M. Saumer, P. Klär, Mechanical behavior of annealed electro-chemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron alloys, MP Materials Testing 62, 3 (2020) 225-241.

R. Acosta, C. Boller, P. Starke, M. Jamrozy, M. Knyazeva, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, Stefan Weihe, Non-destructive testing derived parameters for microstructure based residual service life assessment of aging metallic materials in nuclear engineering. MP Materials Testing 61, 11 (2019) 1029-1038.

R. Acosta, F. Weber, T. Eyrisch, T. Hielscher, M. Magin, P. Starke, Influences through processing parameters on the lifetime of quenched and tempered SAE 4140H specimens. MP Materials Testing 61, 9 (2019) 842-850.

P. Starke, StressLifetc – NDT-related assessment of the fatigue life of metallic materials, MP Materials Testing 91,4 (2019) 297-303.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Beck, P. Klär, M. Saumer, Bending deformation and indentation hardness of electrochemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron alloys, MP Materials Testing 60,11 (2018) 1041–1049.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, C. Boller, P. Starke, Thermodynamic entropy as a marker of high-cyclefatigue damage accumulation: Example for normalized SAE 1045 steel, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 43,12 (2020) 2854-2866.

R. Acosta, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, T. Bill, P. Starke, K. Donnerbauer, L. Lücker, F. Walther, C. Boller, Microstructure‐Based Lifetime Assessment of Austenitic Steel AISI 347 in View of Fatigue, Environmental Conditions and NDT, Applied Sciences 11, 11214, (2021), 1-22.

T. Bill, R. Acosta, C. Boller, K. Donnerbauer, L. Lücker, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, S. Weihe, P. Starke, A Short-Time Approach for Fatigue Life Evaluation of AISI 347 Steel for Nuclear Power Energy Applications, Applied Sciences 11, 11405, (2021), 1-19.

M. Theis, T. Bill, H. Knoll, P. Starke, M. Saumer, Electrochemical Deposition of CoP and CoNiP as Hard Magnetic Scales in a Position Measurement System, Metals 12, 235 (2022) 1-13.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, S. Pramanik, K.-P. Hoyer, M. Schaper, H.L. Zhang, C. Boller P. Starke, Characterization and Analysis of Plastic Instability in an Ultrafine‐Grained Medium Mn TRIP Steel, Advanced Engineering Materials (2022) 1-9.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Hielscher, T. Eyrisch, M. Saumer, P. Klär, P. Starke, Metallurgy Surface states by grinding thin strips of electrochemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron, MP Materials Testing 64, 7 (2022) 903-931.

H. Wu, S. R. Raghuraman, J. A. Ziman, F. Weber, T. Hielscher, P. Starke, Characterization of the Fatigue Behaviour of Low Carbon Steels by Means of Temperature and Micromagnetic Measurements, Metals 12 (11), 1838 (2022) 1-15

H. Wu, J. A. Ziman, S. R. Raghuraman, J.-E. Nebel, F. Weber, P. Starke, Short-Time Fatigue Life Estimation for Heat Treated Low Carbon Steels by Applying Electrical Resistance and Magnetic Barkhausen Noise, Materials 16(1):32 (2022) 1-21.

K. Donnerbauer, R. Acosta, C. Boller, T. Bill, P. Starke, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Fatigue damage evaluation of stainless AISI 347 steel by advanced microstructure-sensitive NDT analysis, Procedia Structural Integrity 42(23) (2022) 738-744.

F. Weber, J. Koziol, P. Starke, StressLife: A Short-Time Approach for the Determination of a Trend S-N Curve in and beyond the HCF Regime for the Steels 20MnMoNi5-5 and SAE 1045, Materials 16(11) (2023) 1-19.

K. Heckmann, R. Acosta, T. Bill, K. Donnerbauer, C. Boller, J. Sievers, M. Macias Barrientos, F. Walther, P. Starke, Detection of fatigue degradation in austenitic stainless steel with eddy current probe and machine learning, Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2023) 1-22.

F. Weber, M. Maul, F. Juner, P. Starke, A nonlinear lifetime prediction method for un- and low alloyed steels by damage determination based on non-destructive measurement techniques, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (2024) 1566-1583.

F. Weber, P. Starke, MiDAcLife – Ein neues Lebensdauerprognoseverfahren basierend auf der Kombination zerstörungsfreier Messverfahren und (nicht)linearer Schadensakkumulationsansätze, DGZfP-report BB 182 (2024), 1-8.

F. Weber, P. Starke, Implementation of modelled surface roughness in the accelerated lifetime prediction of a 20MnMoNi5-5 steel, International Journal of Fatigue 179 (2024) 1-11.

F. Weber, T. Eyrisch, T. Hielscher, Tool Wear Influence on the Fatigue Life of Lathe Processed Specimens of 1.6310 Steel, Modern Concepts in Material Science – MCMS 6,3 (2024), 1-9.

J.A. Ziman, F. Weber, J. Koziol, J.L. Otto, L.M. Sauer, F. Walther, P. Starke, Evaluation of frequency effects on fatigue life at high test frequencies for SAE 1045 steel based on thermography and electrical resistance measurements, Applied Sciences 15(3) (2025) 1-17.

F. Weber, A. Wagner, J. Koziol, F. Weber, C. Broeckmann, P. Starke, Consideration of Statistical Approaches Within the Accelerated Assessment of Fatigue Properties of Metallic Materials, Metals 15(2) (2025) 1-20.

R. Acosta, C. Boller, M. Doktor, H. Wu. H. Jost, F. Weber, P. Starke, Evaluation of S-N curves including failure probabilities using short-time procedures, MP Materials Testing 63, 8 (2021) 705-713.

R. Acosta, C. Boller, P. Starke, M. Jamrozy, M. Knyazeva, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, Stefan Weihe, Non-destructive testing derived parameters for microstructure based residual service life assessment of aging metallic materials in nuclear engineering. MP Materials Testing 61, 11 (2019) 1029-1038.

R. Acosta, F. Weber, T. Eyrisch, T. Hielscher, M. Magin, P. Starke, Influences through processing parameters on the lifetime of quenched and tempered SAE 4140H specimens. MP Materials Testing 61, 9 (2019) 842-850.

P. Starke, StressLifetc – NDT-related assessment of the fatigue life of metallic materials, MP Materials Testing 61,4 (2019) 297-303.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, F. Walther, Model-based correlation between electrical resistance and the dislocation structure of fatigued ICE R7 wheel steel, MP Materials Testing 60,7-8 (2018) 669-676.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Beck, T. Hielscher, T. Eyrisch, P. Starke, M. Saumer, P. Klär, Mechanical behavior of annealed electro-chemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron alloys, MP Materials Testing 62, 3 (2020) 225-241.

P. Starke, A. Bäumchen, H. Wu, SteBLife – A new short-time procedure for the calculation of S-N-curves and failure probabilities, MP Materials Testing 60,2 (2018), 121-127.

M. Klein, P. Starke, D.S. Nowak, C. Boller, F. Walther, Separation of surface, subsurface and volume fatigue damage effects in AISI 348 steel for power plant applications, MP Materials Testing 58,7-8 (2016) 601-607.

P. Starke, F. Walther, Modellbasierte Korrelation zwischen dem elektrischen Widerstand und der Versetzungsstruktur des ermüdungsbeanspruchten ICE-Radstahls R7, MP Materials Testing 57,1 (2015) 9-16.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Berechnung von Wöhlerkurven für verschiedene Mittelspannungsverhältnisse auf der Basis von “PHYBALmean” für den Vergütungsstahl 42CrMo4, MP Materials Testing 55,1 (2013) 8-11.

F. Dörner, O. Kleiner, C. Schindler, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Rolling Contact Fatigue of Wheel and Rail, MP-Material Testing 54,5 (2012) 304-312.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Kurzzeitverfahren zur Berechnung von Wöhlerkurven metallischer Werkstoffe auf der Basis physikalisch basierter Messgrößen, MP Materials Testing 52,1-2 (2010) 57-62.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, „PHYBAL“-Lebensdauerberechnung hochbeanspruchter metallischer Werkstoffe, MP Materials Testing 52,7-8 (2010) 490-495.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Fatigue assessment and fatigue life calculation of metals on the basis of mechanical hysteresis, temperature and resistance data, MP Materials Testing 51,5 (2009).

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Hielscher, T. Eyrisch, M. Saumer, P. Klär, P. Starke, Metallurgy Surface states by grinding thin strips of electrochemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron, MP Materials Testing 64, 7 (2022) 903-931.


L.M. Sauer, J.L. Otto, L.A. Lingnau, J.A. Ziman, P. Starke, F. Walther, A test setup to unravel the electrical resistance at creep fatigue on the example of metastable austenite AISI 304L and its diffusion brazed joints, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 35 (2025) 535–544.

J.A. Ziman, F. Weber, J. Koziol, J.L. Otto, L.M. Sauer, F. Walther, P. Starke, Evaluation of frequency effects on fatigue life at high test frequencies for SAE 1045 steel based on thermography and electrical resistance measurements, Applied Sciences 15(3) (2025) 1-17.

F. Weber, A. Wagner, J. Koziol, F. Weber, C. Broeckmann, P. Starke, Consideration of Statistical Approaches Within the Accelerated Assessment of Fatigue Properties of Metallic Materials, Metals 15(2) (2025) 1-20.


K. Donnerbauer, T. Bill, P. Starke, R. Acosta, B. Yerrapa, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, F. Walther, Fatigue life evaluation of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI347 based on nondestructive testing methods for different environmental conditions, International Journal of Fatigue 179 (2024) 1-10.

F. Weber, M. Maul, F. Juner, P. Starke, A nonlinear lifetime prediction method for un- and low alloyed steels by damage determination based on non-destructive measurement techniques, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (2024) 1566-1583.

F. Weber, P. Starke, MiDAcLife – Ein neues Lebensdauerprognoseverfahren basierend auf der Kombination zerstörungsfreier Messverfahren und (nicht)linearer Schadensakkumulationsansätze, DGZfP-Berichtsband BB 182 (2024), 1-8.

F. Weber, P. Starke, Implementation of modelled surface roughness in the accelerated lifetime prediction of a 20MnMoNi5-5 steel, International Journal of Fatigue 179 (2024) 1-11.

F. Weber, T. Eyrisch, T. Hielscher, Tool Wear Influence on the Fatigue Life of Lathe Processed Specimens of 1.6310 Steel, Modern Concepts in Material Science – MCMS 6,3 (2024), 1-9.

F. Wetzler, J.-E. Nebel, G. Falk, R. Hempelmann, P. Starke, M. Saumer, MiNaMag – Micro- and Nanostructured Hard Magnetic Materials and Components for Micro Technical Applications, Proceedings of 6th Young Researchers Symposium (2024), 20.

K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, R. Acosta, C. Boller, T. Schopf, S. Weihe, T. Bill, P. Starke, L. Lücker, K. Donnerbauer, F. Walther, Evaluation of the fatigue life of AISI 347 specimens with small notches based on local strain considerations, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 211(4) (2024), 1-7.

F. Wetzler, J.-E. Nebek, W. Zhang, S. Urschel, P. Starke, M. Saumer, Electrochemical Deposition of Cobalt Phosphorus for Hard Magnetic Micro Devices and the Impact on Magnetic Anisotropy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2024), 1-24.

A. Skarlatos, C. Boller, V. Lyamkin, B. K. Reddy, G. Dobmann, S. Raghuraman, P. Starke, Continuous eddy-current monitoring of fatigue degradation in an unnotched steel specimen, Proceedings 27th Int. Workshop on Electromagnetic NDE, Mamallapuram/India (2024) 1-6.

F. Weber, F. Juner, P. Starke, T. Hielscher, Bewertung des Einflusses spanender Bearbeitungsparameter auf das mechanische Verhalten am Beispiel niedriglegierter Stähle, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 113-117.

S.R. Raghuraman, A. Shrivastava, A. Gramlich, F. Weber, U. Krupp, P. Starke, Einfluss der Rekonditionierung auf das Re-use Potential bei HCF und VHCF Beanspruchung von Vergütungsstählen, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 118-123.

J. A. Ziman, J. L. Otto, F. Weber, L. M. Sauer, F. Walther, P. Starke, Einsatz des temperaturkorrigierten elektrischen Widerstands in Lebensdauerprognoseverfahren bei erhöhten Prüffrequenzen, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 96-100.

J. Koziol, P. Starke, Korrelation temperaturbasierter und röntgenographischer Informationen zur Aufklärung des Frequenzeinflusses im Rahmen des Ermüdungsprozesses am Beispiel eines C-Stahls, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 101-106.

J.-E. Nebel, J. Koziol, P. Starke, Einsatz der Kerr-Mikroskopie zur Charakterisierung der Schädigungsentwicklung metallischer Werkstoffe, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 226-231.

F. Weber, P. Starke, Beschleunigte Bestimmung virtueller Wöhlerkurven unter Berücksichtigung modellierter Rauheitswerte, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 83-88.

F. Weber, F. Weber, A. Bezold, P. Starke, C. Broeckmann,,Kurzzeitverfahren zur Ermittlung lokaler Festigkeiten in Großgussbauteilen aus EN-GJS-500-14 und EN-GJS-1050-6, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2024), 89-95.


F. Weber, H. Wu, P. Starke, A new short-time procedure for fatigue life evaluation based on the linear damage accumulation by Palmgren-Miner, International Journal of Fatigue 172(6) (2023) 1-8.

F. Weber, J. Koziol, P. Starke, StressLife: A Short-Time Approach for the Determination of a Trend S-N Curve in and beyond the HCF Regime for the Steels 20MnMoNi5-5 and SAE 1045, Materials 16(11) (2023) 1-19.

K. Donnerbauer, T. Bill, P. Starke, R. Acosta, C. Boller, J. Arndt K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf F. Walther,

Fatigue assessment of metastable austenitic AISI 347 pipe components for nuclear engineering,Proceedings TMS 2023, 152nd Annual Meeting & Exhibtion (2023) 1-8.

C. Boller, B. Yerrapa, R. Acosta, T. Bill, P. Starke, K. Donnerbauer, M. Macias Barrientos, T. Schopf, J. Arndt, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers,

Metallic Materials Fatigue Data Determined through NDE Principles as a Basis for Structural Assessment in Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings NDE in Nuclear 2023, Sheffield, United Kingdom (2023) – Extended Abstract and published slides.

S. R. Raghuraman, A. Shrivastava, F. Weber, U. Krupp, P. Starke, Assessment of volume and surface damage in mixed HCF and VHCF loading of quenched and tempered steels, Proceedings EUROMAT 2023, Frankfurt, Deutschland (2023) – Extended Abstract and published slides.

J. Koziol, M. Maul. F. Weber, P. Starke, Temperaturbasierte Analyse des Frequenzeinflusses auf die Ermüdungseigenschaften des Stahles C45E, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2023) 270-275.

T. Bill, K. Donnerbauer, M. Macias, F. Walther, B. Yerrapa, C. Boller, J. Arndt K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, F. Silber, G. Veile, P. Starke, Analyse der Schädigungsentwicklung des in kerntechnischen Anlagen verwendeten Stahls X6Cr NiNb18-10 bei einsatztypischen Temperaturen, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2023) 250-255.

S. R. Raghuraman, A. Shrivastava, F. Weber, U. Krupp, P. Starke, Bewertung von Volumen- und Oberflächenschäden bei HCF- und VHCF-Beanspruchung von Vergütungsstählen, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2023) 256-261.

F. Weber, P. Starke, MiDAc-Life – Ein neues Kurzzeitverfahren zur Lebensdauerberechnung basierend auf dem Ansatz von Palmgren Miner, Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand, Tagung Werkstoffprüfung (2023) 296-301.

K. Donnerbauer, T. Bill, P. Starke, R. Acosta, B. Yerrapa, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, F. Walther, Fatigue life evaluation of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI347 based on nondestructive testing methods for different environmental conditions, International Journal of Fatigue 179 (2023) 1-10.

K. Heckmann, R. Acosta, T. Bill, K. Donnerbauer, C. Boller, J. Sievers, M. Macias Barrientos, F. Walther, P. Starke, Detection of fatigue degradation in austenitic stainless steel with eddy current probe and machine learning, Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2023) 1-22.


M. Theis, T. Bill, H. Knoll, P. Starke, M. Saumer, Electrochemical Deposition of CoP and CoNiP as Hard Magnetic Scales in a Position Measurement System, Metals 12, 235 (2022) 1-13.

F. Schäfer, J. Rosar, H. Wu, P. Starke, M. Marx, Obtaining a lower estimate of the fatigue limit of metals by a simplified quantitative thermometric approach in a low-cost one-specimen test, International Journal of Fatigue 159 (2022) 1-7.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, S. Pramanik, K.-P. Hoyer, M. Schaper, H.L. Zhang, C. Boller P. Starke, Characterization and Analysis of Plastic Instability in an Ultrafine‐Grained Medium Mn TRIP Steel, Advanced Engineering Materials (2022) 1-9.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Hielscher, T. Eyrisch, M. Saumer, P. Klär, P. Starke, Metallurgy Surface states by grinding thin strips of electrochemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron, MP Materials Testing 64, 7 (2022) 903-931.

K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, R. Acosta, C. Boller, T. Schopf, T. Bill, P. Starke, L. Lücker, K. Donnerbauer, F. Walther, Evaluation of the fatigue life of AISI 347 specimens with small notches based on local strain considerations, SMiRT 26, 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 2022, 10 - 15 Juli, Berlin/Potsdam (2022)

R. Acosta, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, T. Bill, P. Starke, L. Lücker, K. Donnerbauer, F. Walther, Microstructure-based lifetime assessment of austenitic steel AISI 347 exposed to corrosion and fatigue, SMiRT 26, 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 2022, 10 - 15 Juli, Berlin/Potsdam (2022)

F. Schäfer, J. Rosar, M. Marx, F. Herter, H. Wu, P. Starke, Quantitative Thermometry: A Revived Simplified Approach to Fatigue Strength Determination and Deformation Mechanisms, Procedia Structural Integrity 37(3) (2022) 299-306.

H. Wu, S. R. Raghuraman, J. A. Ziman, F. Weber, T. Hielscher, P. Starke, Characterization of the Fatigue Behaviour of Low Carbon Steels by Means of Temperature and Micromagnetic Measurements, Metals 12 (11), 1838 (2022) 1-15.

H. Wu, J. A. Ziman, S. R. Raghuraman, J.-E. Nebel, F. Weber, P. Starke, Short-Time Fatigue Life Estimation for Heat Treated Low Carbon Steels by Applying Electrical Resistance and Magnetic Barkhausen Noise, Materials 16(1):32 (2022) 1-21.

K. Donnerbauer, R. Acosta, C. Boller, T. Bill, P. Starke, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Fatigue damage evaluation of stainless AISI 347 steel by advanced microstructure-sensitive NDT analysis, Procedia Structural Integrity 42(23) (2022) 738-744.

K. Donnerbauer, T. Bill, P. Starke, R. Acosta, C. Boller, J. Arndt, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Charakterisierung des LCF-Ermüdungsverhaltens des in kerntechnischen Komponenten eingesetzten austenitischen Stahls X6CrNiNb18-10, Werkstoffprüfung (2022) 269-274.


K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, L. Lücker, A. Schmiedt-Kalenborn, F. Walther, P. Starke, R. Acosta, C. Boller, Correlation of load drop and crack initiation criteria in fatigue life experiments of metallic materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, (2021), 1-14.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, Z. Huang, P. Starke, Effect of mean stress in very high cycle fretting fatigue of a bearing steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 149 (2021), 1-8.

R. Acosta, C. Boller, M. Doktor, H. Wu. H. Jost, F. Weber, P. Starke, Evaluation of S-N curves including failure probabilities using short-time procedures, MP Materials Testing 63, 8 (2021) 705-713.

V. Lyamkin, P. Starke, H. Derouach, J. L’huillier, C. Boller, Direkt Observation of Fatigue Damage induced by complex Stress State in metastable Austenite by means of Magnetic Force Imaging, Proceedings of 46th MPA Seminar (2021), 1-9.

R. Acosta, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, T. Bill, P. Starke, K. Donnerbauer, L. Lücker, F. Walther, C. Boller, Microstructure‐Based Lifetime Assessment of Austenitic Steel AISI 347 in View of Fatigue, Environmental Conditions and NDT, Applied Sciences 11, 11214, (2021), 1-22.

T. Bill, R. Acosta, C. Boller, K. Donnerbauer, L. Lücker, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, S. Weihe, P. Starke, A Short-Time Approach for Fatigue Life Evaluation of AISI 347 Steel for Nuclear Power Energy Applications, Applied Sciences 11, 11405, (2021), 1-19.

H. Wu, M. Doktor, P. Starke, Parametrische und nichtparametrische Statistik als Ergänzung für Kurzzeitverfahren zur Ermüdungslebensdauerberechnung, Proceedings Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2021, 02.-03. Dezember, Aachen (2021) 337-342.


A. Aeran, R. Acosta, S. C. Siriwardane, P. Starke, O. Mikkelsen, I. Langen, F. Walther, A nonlinear fatigue damage model: Comparison with experimental damage evolution of S355 structural steel and application to offshore jacket structures, International Journal of Fatigue 135 (2020) 1-9.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Beck, T. Hielscher, T. Eyrisch, P. Starke, M. Saumer, P. Klär, Mechanical behavior of annealed electro-chemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron alloys, MP Materials Testing 62, 3 (2020) 225-241.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, C. Boller, P. Starke, A unified fatigue life calculation based on intrinsic thermal dissipation and microplasticity evolution, International Journal of Fatigue 131 (2020) 1-9.

V. Lyamkin, P. Starke, C. Boller, Magnetic force imaging for spatially resolved assessment of ferromagnetic phase fraction in austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 497 (2020) 1-8.

R. Acosta, T. Bill, T. Eyrisch, T. Hielscher, M. Magin, P. Starke, Evaluation of influences of materials processing on the fatigue life of quenched and tempered SAE 4140, Processings: Fourth Internationla Conference on Material and Component Performance under Variable Amplitude Loading, (2020) 1-10.

N. Baak, J. Nickel, P. Starke, D. Biermann, F. Walther, Qualification of an inner surface Barkhausen noise sensor for residual stress measurements of single-lip deep drilled AISI 4140 by means of X-ray diffraction, Proceedings ICBM-13 (2020) 1-8.

R. Acosta, H. Wu, R.S. Venkat, F. Weber, J. Tenkamp, F. Walther, P. Starke, SteBLife, a New Approach for the Accelerated Generation of Metallic Materials’ Fatigue Data, Metals 10, 798 (2020) 1-17.

H. Wu, T. Bill, Z.J. Teng, S. Pramanik, K.-P. Hoyer, M. Schaper, P. Starke, Characterization of the fatigue behaviour for SAE 1045 steel without and with load-free sequences based on non-destructive, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopic investigations. Material Science and Engineering: A (2020) 1-10.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, C. Boller, P. Starke, Thermodynamic entropy as a marker of high-cycle fatigue damage accumulation: Example for normalized SAE 1045 steel, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 43,12 (2020) 2854-2866.

J. Tenkamp, M. Awd, S. Siddique, P. Starke, F. Walther, Fracture–Mechanical Assessment of the Effect of Defects on the Fatigue Lifetime and Limit in Cast and Additively Manufactured Aluminum–Silicon Alloys from HCF to VHCF Regime, Metals 10, 943 (2020) 1-18.

V. Lyamkin, C. Pauly, P. Starke, F. Mücklich, C. Boller, Impact of cyclic strain on deformation-induced martensite morphology and magnetic properties of type 347 austenitic stainless steel, Materialstoday Communication (2020) 1-10.

P. Starke, Fatigue Life Calculation for Cyclically Loaded Materials by Using Non-Destructive Testing Methods, Habilitationsschrift, Universität des Saarlandes (2020).


P. Starke, Bewertung des Ermüdungsverhaltens zyklisch beanspruchter Werkstoffe mittels thermometrischer und elektrischer Messgrößen, Proceedings Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2019, 03. und 04. Dezember, Neu-Ulm (2019) 13-22.

R. Acosta, C. Boller, P. Starke, M. Jamrozy, M. Knyazeva, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, Stefan Weihe, Non-destructive testing derived parameters for microstructure based residual service life assessment of aging metallic materials in nuclear engineering. MP Materials Testing 61, 11 (2019) 1029-1038.

Z. Teng, H. Wu, C. Boller, P. Starke, Thermography in high cycle fatigue short‐term evaluation procedures applied to a medium carbon steel, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (2019) 1-8.

Z. Teng, H. Liub, Q. Wangb, Z. Huangb, P. Starke, Fretting behaviors of a steel up to very high cycle fatigue, Wear 438–439 (2019) 1-9.

R. Acosta, F. Weber, T. Eyrisch, T. Hielscher, M. Magin, P. Starke, Influences through processing parameters on the lifetime of quenched and tempered SAE 4140H specimens. MP Materials Testing 61, 9 (2019) 842-850.

P. Starke, Lebensdauerberechnung zyklisch beanspruchter Werkstoffe mittels SteBLife. DGM-dIALOG Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (2019) 16-19.

R. Acosta, H. Wu, A. Engel, A. Bäumchen, C. Boller, P. Starke, SteBLife – a new short-time procedure for the evaluation of fatigue data, International Journal of Fatigue 124 (2019) 82-88.

F. Maci, M. Jamrozy, R. Acosta, P. Starke, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Characterization of the fatigue behavior of mechanical and thermal aged austenitic power plant steel AISI 347, In: Correia J., De Jesus A., Fernandes A., Calçada R. (eds) Mechanical Fatigue of Metals. Structural Integrity, Vol 7. Springer, Cham (2019) 65-71.

P. Starke, StressLifetc – NDT-related assessment of the fatigue life of metallic materials, MP Materials Testing 61,4 (2019) 297-303.


R.S. Venkat, P. Starke, C. Boller, Acoustics based assessment of a composite material under very high cycle fatigue loading: Experimental Techniques, Mechanisms, Modeling and Fatigue Life Assessment, In book: Fatigue of Materials at Very High Numbers of Loading Cycles, Ed. H.-J. Christ, Springer Spektrum (2018) 463-485.

F. Maci, M. Jamrozy, R. Acosta, P. Starke, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Quantitative Bewertung des Ermüdungs- und Schädigungsstadiums des in Kraftwerken eingesetzten Stahls X6CrNiNb18-10 anhand zerstörungsfreier Prüfverfahren, Werkstoffprüfung 2018 (2018) 1-6.

P. Starke, R. Acosta, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Maci, M. Jamrozy, F. Walther, StrainLife: Lebensdauerberechnung metallischer Werkstoffe und Komponenten der Energietechnik auf der Basis zerstörungsfreier Prüfverfahren, Werkstoffprüfung 2018 (2018) 1-6.

P. Starke, H. Wu, C. Boller, Characterization of the fatigue behaviour and lifetime evaluation of metallic materials based on thermographic NDT-methods, Proceedings 14th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Conference 2018 (2018) 1-8.

F. Maci, M. Jamrozy, R. Acosta, P. Starke, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Characterization of the fatigue behavior of mechanical and thermal aged austenitic power plant steel AISI 347, Proceedings ICMFM 2018 (2018) 1-6.

F. Maci, M. Jamrozy, R. Acosta, P. Starke, C. Boller, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, F. Walther, Microstructural and fatigue assessment of thermal and mechanically aged austenitic AISI 347 power plant steel, Proceedings MSE 2018 (2018).

R. Acosta, P. Starke, C. Boller, M. Jamrozy, M. Klein, M. Knyazeva, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, X. Schuler, StrainLife: Efficient fatigue life data generation for an enhanced ageing assessment of metallic components, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (2018) 1-8.

P. Starke, H. Wu, C. Boller, SteBLife – The enhanced short-time evaluation procedure for materials fatigue data generation, Materials Science Forum 941 (2018) 2395-2400.

R. Acosta, P. Starke, C. Boller, M. Jamrozy, M. Klein, M. Knyazeva, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, X. Schuler, Nutzung zerstörungsfreier Prüfverfahren zur mikrostrukturbasierten Restlebensdauerbewertung alternder metallischer Werkstoffe und Komponenten in der Energietechnik, 9 (2018) 1-12.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, F. Walther, Model-based correlation between electrical resistance and the dislocation structure of fatigued ICE R7 wheel steel, MP Materials Testing 60 (7-8) (2018) 669-676.

P. Starke, H. Wu, Use of non-destructive testing methods in a new one-specimen test strategy for estimating fatigue data, International Journal of Fatigue 111 (2018) 177-185.

V. Lymakin, P. Starke, C. Boller, Cyclic indentation as an alternative to classic fatigue evaluation, Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Aircraft Materials (AC2018) (2018) 595-601.

P. Starke, H. Wu, C. Boller, Accelerated fatigue data evaluation for aircraft validation activities, Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Aircraft Materials (AC2018) (2018) 601-612.

J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Beck, P. Klär, M. Saumer, Bending deformation and indentation hardness of electrochemically deposited nanocrystalline nickel-iron alloys, MP Materials Testing 60,11 (2018) 1041–1049.

P. Starke, A. Bäumchen, H. Wu, SteBLife – A new short-time procedure for the calculation of S-N-curves and failure probabilities, MP Materials Testing 60,2 (2018), 121-127.


P. Starke, C. Boller, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung zur effizienteren Ermittlung von Werkstoffwöhlerlinien, DGZFP Jahrestagung 2017, (2017), 1-6.

G. Seiler, P. Starke, C. Boller, Elektromagnetische On-line-Prüfung stromdurchfluteter Werkstoffproben aus austenitischem Stahl unter Ermüdungsbeanspruchung, DGZFP Jahrestagung 2017, (2017), 1-6.

C. Boller, C. Fox, P. Starke, H. Wu, M. Doktor, W. Kurz, Zustandserfassung von Stahlbauwerken mithilfe akustischer und elektromagnetischer Verfahren der ZfP, Bautechnik, Volume 94, Issue 10 (2017), 717–725.

C. Boller, B.R. Mueller, T. Heckel, P. Starke, D. Gohlke, R. S. Venkat, G. Bruno, Nonlinearities based inverse approach for the characterisation of the damage evaluation process in very high cycle fatigued CFRP specimens, The Seventh International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue - VHCF7 (2017), 1-8.


C. Boller, P. Starke, Enhanced assessment of ageing phenomena in steel structures based on materials data and non-destructive testing: Verbesserte Bestimmung von Alterungsphänomenen in Stahlbauten auf der Basis von Werkstoffdaten und zerstörungsfreier Prüfung, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 47, No. 10 (2016) 876-887.

P. Starke, H. Wu, C. Boller, Advanced evaluation of fatigue phenomena using non-destructive testing methods, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 879 (2016) 1841-1846.

C. Boller, P. Starke, G. Dobmann, PHYsical-BAsed-Life calculations (PHYBAL-Procedure) utilizing Electromagnetic NDT Data for Enhanced Management of Ageing Steel Infrastructure, Proceedings of the MMM Conference, 19-20 May, 2016, Budapest, Hungary (2016) (2016) 1-8.

C. Boller, P. Starke, G. Seiler, P. Kolakowski, J. Holnicki-Szulc, NDT/NDE-Based Assessment of Steel Railway Infrastructure for Life Cycle Management, Proc. of 3rd Internat. Conf. on Railway Technology: Research, Development & Maintenance, (2016) 1-12.

W. Bleck, G. Heßling, M. Bambach, H. Dickert, A. Stieben, H.-W. Zoch, F. Hoffmann, B. Clausen, H. Surm, T. Karsch, D. Eifler, T. Beck, M. Klein, P. Starke, H. Kramer, B.-R. Höhn, K. Stahl, T. Tobie, C. Wickborn, Schadenstolerante Stähle. Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit hochbeanspruchter Bauteile, Konstruktion 68 (2016) 01-02, S. IW 14-IW 16

C. Boller, D. Roy Mahapatra, R. Sridaran Venkat, N. Balaji Ravi, N. Chakraborty, P. Starke, M. Steckel, D. Krishnamurthy, Integration of Non-Destructive Evaluation based Ultrasonic Simulation (INDEUS) – A Means for Simulation in SHM,, (2016) 1-9.

M. Klein, P. Starke, D.S. Nowak, C. Boller, F. Walther, Separation of surface, subsurface and volume fatigue damage effects in AISI 348 steel for power plant applications, MP Materials Testing 58,7-8 (2016) 601-607.

P. Starke, H. Wu, C. Boller, Short time evaluation of metallic materials’ fatigue potential combining destructive and non-destructive testing methods, NDT in Aerospace 2016, Vol. 4 (2016) 1-8.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, C. Boller, Fatigue assessment of metallic materials beyond strain measurement, Int. J. Fat. 82 (2016) 274-279.


P. Starke, F. Walther, Zeit- und kosteneffiziente Ermittlung des Ermüdungsverhaltens sicherheitsrelevanter Werkstoffe und Bauteile, Focus Werkstoffe Band 153, (2015) 1-11.

G. Seiler, P. Kolakowski, P. Starke, C. Boller, J. Holnicki-Szulc, Electromagnetics Based Damage Mapping of an Aged Steel Bridge,, (2015) 1-10.

C. Fiedler Bremer, R. Scholz, S. Myslicki, P. Starke, C. Boller, F. Walther, M. Krause, NDT-Based Characterization of Timber and Vulcanized Fiber for Civil Infrastructure,, (2015) 1-12.

H. Wu, P. Starke, C. Boller, PHYBAL based evaluation of material’s fatigue data for aged infrastructure using non-destructive testing methods,, (2015) 1-9.

C. Boller, S. Bagchi, R. Sridaran Venkat, P. Starke, M. Mitra, Monitoring Early Damage Initiation of Very High Cycle Fatigued Composite Material Using a Nonlinearities Based Inverse Approach, Proceedings of 10 th International workshop on structural health monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 1-3 (2015) 1-9.

C. Boller, S. Bagchi, R. Sridaran Venkat, P. Starke, M. Mitra, Simulation based smart sensing design for fatigue damage detection in CFRP using non-linear phenomena, Proceedings of CANSMART 2015 International Conference on Smart Materials and Structures & SMN 5th International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering (2015) 1-8.

H. Knobbe, P. Starke, S. Hereñú, H.-J. Christ, D. Eifler, Cyclic deformation behaviour, microstructural evolution and fatigue life of duplex steel AISI 329 LN, Int. J. Fat. 80 (2015) 81-89.

C. Boller, P. Starke, G. Dobmann, C.-M. Kuo, C.-H. Kuo, Approaching the Assessment of Ageing Bridge Infrastructure, J. Smart Struct. Sys. 15,3 (2015) 593-608.

P. Starke, F. Walther, Modellbasierte Korrelation zwischen dem elektrischen Widerstand und der Versetzungsstruktur des ermüdungsbeanspruchten ICE-Radstahls R7, MP Materials Testing 57,1 (2015) 9-16.


H. Kramer, P. Starke, M. Klein, D. Eifler, PHYBALCHT: Kurzzeitverfahren zur Abschätzung der Ermüdungseigenschaften metallischer Werkstoffe, HTM J. Heat Treatm. Mat. 69,5 (2014) 256-264.

H. Kramer, P. Starke, M. Klein, D. Eifler, Cyclic Hardness Test PHYBALCHT - short-time procedure to evaluate cyclic properties of metallic materials, Int. J. Fat. 63 (2014) 78–84.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Berechnung von Wöhlerkurven für verschiedene Mittelspannungsverhältnisse auf der Basis von “PHYBALmean” für den Vergütungsstahl 42CrMo4, MP Materials Testing 55,1 (2013) 8-11.

M. Smaga, P. Starke, D. Eifler, J. Fingerhuth, B. Nieweg, D. Siegele, Bewertung der Ermüdungsfestigkeit metastabiler austenitischer Stähle unter Berücksichtigung zyklischer Ver- und Entfestigungsvorgänge, Tagungsband „Werkstoffprüfung 2012“ ISBN: 978-3-514-00794-9, (2012) 173-178.

H. Germann, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Physically Based Fatigue Assessment of the Nodular Cast Iron ASTM 80-55-06 (EN-GJS-600) at Different Testing Frequencies, Advanced Engineering Materials 14,10 (2012) 859-866.

F. Dörner, O. Kleiner, C. Schindler, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Rolling Contact Fatigue of Wheel and Rail, MP-Material Testing 54,5 (2012) 304-312.

H. Germann, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Resistivity based evaluation of the fatigue behaviour of cast irons, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (2012) 2792-2798.


O. Kleiner, C. Schindler, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Der Radsatz - Ein Hochsicherheitselement birgt noch immenses Verbesserungspotential hinsichtlich Sicherheit und Lebensdauer, Ingenieurspiegel (2011), 12-15.

M. Klein, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Manufacturing influences on the fatigue properties of quenched and tempered SAE 4140 specimens, Procedia Engineering 10, (2011), 1184-1189.

P. Starke, M. Klein, D. Eifler, Resistivity – a characteristic fingerprint of fatigue induced changes in the microstructure of metallic materials, Procedia Engineering 10, (2011), 698-703.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Dauerfestigkeit, Mittelspannungseinfluss und zyklische Spannung-Dehnung-Kurve berechnet mit „PHYBAL“, 10. Tagung Gefüge und Bruch, Bochum, 30. März - 01. April, (2011) 1-8.

H. Germann, P. Starke, D. Eifler, Characterisation of the cyclic deformation behaviour of the nodular cast iron ASTM 80-55-06 on the basis of physical measurement methods, Proceedings 1st (CM)2 Young researcher symposium 2011, Kaiserslautern, 15. February (2011) 61-66.

P. Starke, E. Kerscher, Schadensanalyse an einer gebrochenen Antriebswelle eines Quads, A. Kneissl, H. Clemens: Fortschritte in der Metallographie. Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie, Hrsg.: G. Petzow, 42 (2010) 25-30.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Fatigue life calculation of highly stressed railway components on the basis of „PHYBAL“, 8th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears (2010) 112-118.

V. Wagner, P. Starke, E. Kerscher, D. Eifler, Cyclic deformation behaviour of railway wheel steels in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime, International Journal of Fatigue 33,1 (2010) 69-74.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Kurzzeitverfahren zur Berechnung von Wöhlerkurven metallischer Werkstoffe auf der Basis physikalisch basierter Messgrößen, MP Materials Testing (2010) 57-62.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, „PHYBAL“-Lebensdauerberechnung hochbeanspruchter metallischer Werkstoffe, MP Materials Testing 52,7-8 (2010) 490-495.

H. Germann, P. Starke, E. Kerscher, D. Eifler, Fatigue behaviour and lifetime calculation of the cast irons EN-GJL-250, EN-GJS-600 and EN-GJV-400, Procedia Engineering 2,1 (2010) 1087-1094.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, “PHYBAL” a short-time procedure for a reliable fatigue life calculation, Advanced Engineering Materials 12,4 (2010) 276-282.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, PHYBAL – Eine physikalisch basierte Methode zur Lebensdauerberechnung für dynamisch hochbeanspruchte Bauteile von Nutzfahrzeugen, Proceedings 1. Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium Kaiserslautern CVT 2010 (2010) 41-50.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Das Zusammenspiel der Disziplinen im Graduiertenkolleg 814, Ingenieurmaterialien auf verschiedenen Skalen: Experiment, Modellierung und Simulation, Ingenieurwissenschaften Jahresmagazin 2009, (2009) 102-104.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Berechnung von Wöhlerkurven des Vergütungsstahles 42CrMo4 für unterschiedliche Spannungsverhältnisse auf der Basis von „PHYBALmean“, Werkstoffprüfung 2009 (2009) 269-274.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, “PHYBAL“ – Ein Instrument zur Lebensdauerberechnung hochbeanspruchter metallischer Werkstoffe, 36. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Betriebsfestigkeit 08./09. Oktober, Darmstadt (2009) 225-234.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, New fatigue life calculation method for quenched and tempered steel SAE 4140, Mat. Sci. Eng. A 523,1-2 (2009) 246-252.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, “PHYBAL” – Short-time calculation of Woehler curves of wheel steels, ZEV Rail 6-7,133 (2009) 251-255.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Fatigue assessment and fatigue life calculation of metals on the basis of mechanical hysteresis, temperature and resistance data, MP Materials Testing 51,5 (2009) 261-268.

P. Starke, D. Eifler, Kurzzeitverfahren zur Berechnung von Wöhlerkurven metallischer Werkstoffe auf der Basis mechanischer Hysteresis-, Temperatur- und Widerstands-messungen, 9. Tagung Gefüge und Bruch, Leoben, Österreich, 22.-24. April, (2009) 49-56.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Fatigue life estimation of metallic materials under constant amplitude and standardised service loading, 2nd International Conference on Variable Amplitude Loading, (2009) 903-912.


P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Electrical and magnetic hysteresis measurements for the fatigue assessment of metallic materials, Bericht 2008, DFG Graduiertenkolleg 814, Ingenieurmaterialien auf verschiedenen Skalen: Experimental, Modellierung und Simulation.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Physikalisch basierte Methode zur Lebensdauerberechnung metallischer Werkstoffe „PHYBAL“, Werkstoffprüfung 2008 (2008) 105-112.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Short-time calculation of Woehler curves using “PHYBAL”, IRS 2008, 2nd Int. Railway Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 15.-17. Oktober (2008) 1201-1210.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Hysteresis, temperature and resistance measurements for the characterization of the fatigue behavior of metals, ISCS 2007, 5th Int. Conf. Structural Integrity of Welded Structures - Testing & Risk Assessment in the Development of Advanced Materials and Joints, Timisora, Romania,, Issue 2008-04 (2008) 1-9.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Kurzzeitverfahren zur Berechnung der Wöhlerkurve von Radwerkstoffen, EI-Eisenbahningenieur 58, 1 (2008) 31-35.

P. Starke, Lebensdauerberechnung bei ein- und mehrstufig beanspruchten Proben aus vergütetem 42CrMo4. Dissertation an der TU Kaiserslautern (2007).

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Fatigue assessment and fatigue life calculation of quenched and tempered SAE 4140 steel based on stress-strain hysteresis, temperature and electrical resistance measurements, Fatigue Fract. Eng. M. 30 (2007) 1044-1051.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, PHYBAL-A new method for lifetime prediction based on strain, temperature and electrical measurements, Int. J. Fatigue 28 (9) (2006) 1028-1036.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Lifetime calculation of cyclically loaded steel parts for traffic systems, Int. Conf. Residual Fatigue Life and Life Time Extension of In-Service Structures, Paris, Frankreich, JIP (2006) 259-266.

Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Lebensdauerbewertung für Werkstoffe der Verkehrstechnik auf der Basis physikalischer Messgrößen, Werkstoffprüfung – Herausforderungen neuer Werkstoffe an die Forschung und Werkstoffprüfung, Berlin, W. Grellmann (Ed.), Vol. 641, DVM-Bericht (2005) 213-218.

P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, Physikalisch-basierte Lebensdauerbewertung betriebsnah beanspruchter Werkstoffe der Verkehrstechnik, ZF-ERFA-Tag 2005 des AK-Betriebsfestigkeit, Diepholz (2005) 1-8.

M. Schelp, P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler,Lebensdauerberechnung auf der Basis von σ,ε- σ,T- und σ,R-Messungen, Abschlusskolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms „Mechanismenorientierte Lebensdauervorhersage für zyklisch beanspruchte metallische Bauteile“, in Zus. mit dem DVM, Universität Bremen, 11./12. Feb. (2004), 83-90.