

9950 Ergebnisse:
  • ENSAD: The enteric nervous system as predictor for pathological changesand therapeutically effectiveness by Alzheimer disease During the last decades the lifespan increases and therefore age- related diseases like the Alzheimer disease (AD). For the modern medicine AD is a big challenge since already before the clinical manifestation numerous of n
  • 7922. ENSAD
    Datum: 04.07.2019
    ENSAD: The enteric nervous system as predictor for pathological changesand therapeutically effectiveness by Alzheimer disease During the last decades the lifespan increases and therefore age- related diseases like the Alzheimer disease (AD). For the modern medicine AD is a big challenge since already before the clinical manifestation numerous of n
  • Development of 3D-ultramicro and 3D-nano electrodes for biomedical applications The measurement of single cell contact of electrically active cells can help to develop new types of diagnostics and therapies, e.g. for cardiac arrhythmia or neurodegenerative diseases.In this project new shapes of micro and nano electrodes are fabricated to enlarge t
  • Development of 3D-ultramicro and 3D-nano electrodes for biomedical applications The measurement of single cell contact of electrically active cells can help to develop new types of diagnostics and therapies, e.g. for cardiac arrhythmia or neurodegenerative diseases.In this project new shapes of micro and nano electrodes are fabricated to enlarge t
  • 7925. BINAGO - BINAGO
    Datum: 04.07.2019
    BINAGO Graphene – a monolayer of graphite – is regarded as the material of the future. This new material has recently been selected by the European Commission as one of the two EU “flagship”-projects and will be generously funded until 2020. In the context of BINAGO, different types of graphene- based biosensors will be developed for various appli
  • AQUILA: High Resolution Magnetic Field Position Sensors State of the art positioning sensing is often done by means of magnetic scales and magnetic sensors. During the project AQUILA, this technology will be pushed forward to enter in the high resolution regime.The goal is a resolution limit well below 100nm. This target will be achieved by develo
  • NanoX: Nano modified antioxidants for the prevention and treatment neurodegenerative diseases The aim of this project is to develop an effective nutritional supplement for preven-ting neurodegenerative diseases.Herbal substances have high antioxidant contents and studies have shown promi-sing neuroprotective potentials.Moreover, most of these natu
  • 7928. NanoX
    Datum: 04.07.2019
    NanoX: Nano modified antioxidants for the prevention and treatment neurodegenerative diseases The aim of this project is to develop an effective nutritional supplement for preven-ting neurodegenerative diseases.Herbal substances have high antioxidant contents and studies have shown promi-sing neuroprotective potentials.Moreover, most of these natu
  • 7929. Studienplan_PO_2019_WI-EN.pdf
    Datum: 02.07.2019
    Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Energietechnik Modulname Veranstaltung Modulgruppe: Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften Einführung in die VWL Einführung in die VWL Finanzbuchhaltung und Bilanzierung Finanzbuchhaltung und Bilanzierung Internes Rechnungswesen Internes Rechnungswesen Recht Recht Beschaffungsmanagement & Logistik Beschaffungsman
  • 7930. Studienplan_PO_2019_WI-Eng.pdf
    Datum: 02.07.2019
    Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Engineering Modulname Veranstaltung Modulgruppe: Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften Einführung in die VWL Einführung in die VWL Finanzbuchhaltung und Bilanzierung Finanzbuchhaltung und Bilanzierung Internes Rechnungswesen Internes Rechnungswesen Recht Recht Beschaffungsmanagement & Logistik Beschaffungsmanage
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