Application and Admission
Admission requirements:
Language requirements:
Applicants who are not native speakers of English need a comprehensive knowledge of English, at least at level B2; TOEIC Listening and Reading 785; TOEIC Speaking and Writing 310; TOEFL iBT 87; TOEFL ITP 543; IELTS 6,0; Cambridge Englis
Study Plan
You can start every winter and summer semester and after three semesters you will complete your degree with your master thesis. You can choose between courses in English and German as well as choose from a variety of modules. There are about eleven core and about seven supplement modules and you will have to choose six of them, at
Career Outcomes
With a successfully completed master degree in financial services
you have the opportunity to work in a dynamic, innovative and multicultural work environment . you can start your career perfectly prepared in the financial services sector. you can apply your theoretical knowledge in practice. you are able to work in
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