

9953 Ergebnisse:
  • 7461. Publikationen
    Datum: 09.06.2021
    2020 A. Aeran, R. Acosta, S. C. Siriwardane, P. Starke, O. Mikkelsen, I. Langen, F. Walther, A nonlinear fatigue damage model: Comparison with experimental damage evolution of S355 structural steel and application to offshore jacket structures, International Journal of Fatigue 135 (2020) 1-9. J. E. Hoffmann, M.-T. Schmitt, D. Eifler, T. Beck, T.
  • 7462. Publikationen
    Datum: 09.06.2021
    2019 P. Starke, Bewertung des Ermüdungsverhaltens zyklisch beanspruchter Werkstoffe mittels thermometrischer und elektrischer Messgrößen, Proceedings Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2019, 03. und 04. Dezember, Neu-Ulm (2019) 13-22. R. Acosta, C. Boller, P. Starke, M. Jamrozy, M. Knyazeva, F. Walther, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, T. Schopf, Stefan Weihe, Non
  • 7463. Publikationen
    Datum: 13.03.2023
    Eggert, S., Kins, S., Endres, K., Brigadski, T., Brothers in arms: proBDNF/BDNF and sAPPα/Aβ signaling and their common interplay with ADAM10, TrkB, p75NTR, sortilin, and sorLA in the progression of Alzheimer`s disease. Biol.Chem 2021 Oct 7;403(1):43-71. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2021-0330. Print 2022 Jan 26.PMID: 34619027 Review. Corresponding author Wi
  • 7464. Publikationen
    Datum: 13.03.2023
    Endres, K and Eggert, S, Presentation of Scientific Institutions, “NeurodegX” Neuroforum (De Gruyter), 25.07.2020, IF 2020: 0.21 Unger MM, Becker A, Keller A, Schäfer KH, Schwiertz A, Oertel WH. [The role of the gut microbiome in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.] Nervenarzt. 2020 Dec; 91(12):1085-1095. https:/
  • 7465. Publikationen
    Datum: 11.08.2020
    August A, Schmidt N, Klingler J, Baumkötter F, Lechner M, Klement J, Eggert S, Vargas C, Wild K, Keller S, Kins S. Copper and zinc ions govern the trans-directed dimerization of APP family members in multiple ways. J Neurochem. 2019 Dec;151(5):626-641. doi: 10.1111/jnc.14716 . Epub 2019 Jun 6. PMID: 31063592 . Weis S, Schwiertz A, Unger MM, Bec
  • 7466. Publikationen
    Datum: 11.08.2020
    Becke A, Müller P, Dordevic M, Lessmann V, Brigadski T, Müller NG. Daily Intermittent Normobaric Hypoxia Over 2 Weeks Reduces BDNF Plasma Levels in Young Adults - A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. Front Physiol. 2018 Oct 1;9:1337. Eggert S, Thomas C, Kins S, Hermey G. Trafficking in Alzheimer's Disease: Modulation of APP Transport and P
  • 7467. Publikationen
    Datum: 11.08.2020
    Schreiber D, Marx L, Felix S, Clasohm J, Weyland M, Schäfer M, Klotz M, Lilischkis R, Erkel G, Schäfer KH.Anti-inflammatory Effects of Fungal Metabolites in Mouse Intestine as Revealed by In vitroModels. Front Physiol. 2017 Aug 7;8:566. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00566. eCollection 2017. Feilen LP, Haubrich K, Strecker P, Probst S, Eggert S, Stier G
  • 7468. Publikationen
    Datum: 11.08.2020
    Meineck M, Schuck F, Abdelfatah S, Efferth T, Endres K. Identification of Phlogacantholide C as a Novel ADAM10 Enhancer from Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plants. Medicines (Basel). 2016 Dec 5;3(4). pii: E30. doi: 10.3390/medicines3040030. Kundu A, Milosch N, Antonietti P, Baumkötter F, Zymny A, Müller UC, Kins S, Hajieva P, Behl C, Kögel D. Modu
  • 7469. Publikationen
    Datum: 11.08.2020
    Hermey G, Schmidt N, Bluhm B, Mensching D, Ostermann K, Rupp C, Kuhl D, Kins S. SorCS1 variants and amyloid precursor protein (APP) are co-transported in neurons but only SorCS1c modulates anterograde APP transport. J Neurochem. 2015 Oct;135(1):60-75. doi: 10.1111/jnc.13221. Epub 2015 Aug 26. PMID: 26119586. Isolation of high-purity myenteric ple
  • 7470. Publikationen
    Datum: 11.08.2020
    Stahl R, Schilling S, Soba P, Rupp C, Hartmann T, Wagner K, Merdes G, Eggert S, Kins S. Shedding of APP limits its synaptogenic activity and cell adhesion properties. Front Cell Neurosci. 2014 Dec 3;8:410. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00410. PMID: 25520622; PMCID: PMC4253958. Rupp C, Beyreuther K, Maurer K, Kins S. A presenilin 1 mutation in the first
Die Suchabfrage hat 168 ms in Anspruch genommen.