- Heidrich, P.; Weiß, N.; Rothhaar, M.: Realigning of Hydraulic Engineering Education to Actual Industrial Requirements,
International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX 2024, Băile Govora, Romania, 20242024
- Heidrich, P.; Jaussaud, E.; Weiß, N.: Adapting Automotive Engineering Education to Autonomous Driving Requirements,
14th International Conference on Education, Research & Development, Burgas, Bulgaria, 20232023
- Heidrich, P.; Altendorfer, D.; Janert, P.; Sotke, W.: Experimental Analysis of Fluid Flow Fluctuations in the Intake Port of a Small Internal Combustion Engine,
14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Wicklow, Ireland, 20192019
- Heidrich, P.: Fluid Dynamic and Thermal Characterisation of Fast Response Heaters for Experimental Assessment of Exhaust Gas Components,
15th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Brunel University London, England, 20172017
- Heidrich, P.; Krisch, T.: Assessment of Wasted Heat Recovery Options in Passenger Car Applications by Various Rankine Cycles,
Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 36, no. 14-15, 1321-1331, 20152015
- Heidrich, P.; Krisch, T.: Assessment of Wasted Heat Recovery Options in Passenger Car Applications by Various Rankine Cycles,
13th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Imperial College, London, England, 20132013
- Heidrich, P.: Experimentelle Bestimmung des inneren Wärmeübergangs bei gegossenen Gasturbinenschaufeln,
Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 20102010
- Heidrich, P.; von Wolfersdorf, J.; Schnieder, M.: Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Blades Using a Transient Inverse Technique,
Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 30; no. 13, 1077-1086, 20092009
- Heidrich, P.; Weigel, B.: Estimation of Inner Heat Transfer Coefficients from Outer Surface Temperature Measurements Using a Two-Dimensional, Inverse Approach Based on COMSOL Multiphysics and COMSOL Script,
European COMSOL Conference 2008, Hannover, Germany, 20082008
- Heidrich, P.; von Wolfersdorf, J.; Schmidt, S.; Schnieder, M.: Estimation of internal heat transfer coefficients and detection of rib positions in gas turbine blades from transient surface temperature measurements,
International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering 2008, Dourdan, Paris, France, 20082008
- Heidrich, P.; von Wolfersdorf, J.; Schmidt, S.; Schnieder, M.: Estimation of internal heat transfer coefficients and detection of rib positions in gas turbine blades from transient surface temperature measurements,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 135, 012050, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/135/1/012050, 20082008
- Heidrich, P.; von Wolfersdorf, J.: GT 3: Konvektiver Wärmeübergang in gegossenen Gasturbinenschaufeln,
Abschlussbericht Forschungsinitiative "Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts (KW 21)", Stuttgart, München, 20082008
- Heidrich, P.; von Wolfersdorf, J.; Schnieder, M.: Experimental Study of Internal Heat Transfer Coefficients in a Rectangular Ribbed Channel Using a Non-Invasive, Non-Destructive, Transient Inverse Method,
ASME Turbo Expo 2008, GT2008-50297, Berlin, Germany, 20082008
- Heidrich, P.; von Wolfersdorf, J.; Schnieder, M.: Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Blades Using a Non-Invasive, Non-Destructive, Transient Inverse Method,
10th UK Heat Transfer Conference; Edinburgh, Scotland, 20072007
- Heidrich, P.: Ein neues Verfahren zur experimentellen Bestimmung des Wärmeübergangs in Kolben von Verbrennungsmotoren mit thermochromatischen Flüssigkristallen,
Erprobung und Simulation in der Fahrzeugentwicklung, VDI-Bericht 1990, 20072007

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Heidrich
FachbereicheAngewandte Ingenieurwissenschaften
SprechstundeDonnerstag 13:00 - 13:45 Uhr (nur nach vorheriger Anmeldung per Email)