- 09.2016 : Member of Editorial Board of the Open Journal of Composite Materials
- 01.2015 - 05.2015 : Sabbatical at the Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) in Auckland, New Zealand
- 09.2014 : Honorary professorship at the Moscow State University for Design and Technology
- 09.2010 - 03.2011 : Sabbatical at the Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) in Auckland, New Zealand
- 08.2010 : Head of Institute for Plastic Technology Palatinate (Institut für Kunststofftechnik Westpfalz)
- 09.2006 - 03.2007 : Sabbatical at the Center for Composite Materials (CCM) at the University of Delaware, USA
- 04.1996 : Professor for polymers and composites at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 01.1996 - 03.1996 : Divisional Director at company Freudenberg in Berlin, Germany
- 04.1995 - 04.1995 : Doctoral Degree
- 09.1990 - 12.1995 : Research Associate at the Institute for Composite Materials Ltd. (Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH), Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 03.1989 - 04.1989 : Research Assistant at the company Nobel Plast AG, Ljungby, Sweden
- 07.1988 - 01.1989 : Research Assistant at the Center for Composite Materials (CCM) in Newark, DE, USA
- 04.1986 - 05.1990 : Mechanical Engineering (Processing of Plastics) at the RWTH Aachen, Institute for Plastic Processing (IKV) finished with Master´s Degree
- 10.1983 - 03.1986 : Mechanical Engineering at the TU Braunschweig finished with Preliminary Diploma
- 08.1972 - 06.1981 : High School in Braunschweig finished with High School Diploma
- 07.1981 - 06.1983 : Volunteer in the German army
- Kunststoffprüfung, Polymere Verbundwerkstoffe, Grundlagenfächer
Kunststoffprüfung, NDT, Compoundierung, Bauteilauslegung, thermische Leitfähigkeit
- Studiengangsleitung:
"Kunststoff-, Leder- und Textiltechnik, Bachelor"
"Product Refinement, Master"
"Refinement of Polymer and Composite Products, Master" - Auslandsbeauftragter FB ALP
- Fachbereichsrat ALP
- Prüfungsausschuss ALP A FB ALP
- Senatsausschuss für Internationalisierung

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schuster
FachbereicheAngewandte Logistik- und Polymerwissenschaften
SprechstundeMittwoch 12:30 - 13:30 Uhr
in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit mittwochs 10:00-11:00 Uhr nach Vereinbarung