- Arthur Barz, Jan Conrad, Dieter Wallach: ,
In: Advantages of Using Runtime Procedural Generation of Virtual Environments Based on Real World Data for Conducting Empirical Automotive Research, HCI International 2020 Copenhagen (Hrsg.), 20202020
- Daniel Kerpen, Jan Conrad, Dieter Wallach: ,
In: A Product/Process Model Approach to Formalize Collaborative User Experience Design HCI International 2020 Copenhagen, 20202020
- Daniel Kerpen, Jan Conrad, Dieter Wallach: ,
In: A formalisation approach for collaborative user experience design, 16th International Design Conference - Design 2020, Dubrovnik / Croatia (Hrsg.), 20202020
- Andreas Weisenburg, Arthur Barz, Jan Conrad: ,
In: Design and Development of an Integrated Development Environment for the Driving Simulation Software Mave, HCI International 2020 Copenhagen (Hrsg.), 20202020
- Jan Conrad, Dieter Wallach, Arthur Barz, Daniel Kerpen, Tobias Puderer, Andreas Weisenburg: Concept simulator K3F: a flexible framework for driving simulations.,
In: AutoUI, 20192019
- Tobias F. Luedeke, Christian Köhler, Jan Conrad, Michael Grashiller, Andreas Sailer, Michael Vielhaber:: CPM / PDD in the context of Design Thinking and Agile Development of Cyber-Physical Systems: Use Cases and Methodology.,
In: NordDesign, 20182018
- Tobias F. Luedeke, Christian Köhler, Jan Conrad, Michael Grashiller, Thomas Ruf, Andreas Sailer, Michael Vielhaber: CPM/PDD AS AN INTEGRATED PRODUCT AND PROCESS MODEL FOR A DESIGN-THINKING BASED, AGILE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS.,
In: Design Conference, 20182018
- Jan Conrad, Christian Koehler, Dieter Wallach, Tobias Luedeke: ,
In: Design Theory and Methodology in HCI: Applying CPM/PDD to UCD, HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory and Practice, 07/2018: pages 27-39; ISBN: 978-3-319-91796-2, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-91797-9_3 (Hrsg.), 20182018
- Conrad J., Wallach D., Kalweit F., Lindel P., Templin S.: ,
In: Game of Drones: How to Control a UAV?, Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Contexts. HCI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10272 (Hrsg.), 20172017
- Wallach D., Conrad J., Steimle T.: ,
In: The UX Metrics Table: A Missing Artifact, Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory, Methodology, and Management. DUXU 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10288. Springer, Cham (Hrsg.), 20172017
- Conrad, J.: Semantische Netze zur Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Informationen und Wissen in der Produktentwicklung,
Serie: Schriftenreihe Produktionstechnik, Univ., Lehrstuhl für Fertigungstechnik, ISBN 9783930429783, 20102010
- Jan-Martin Kaiser and Jan Conrad and Christian Köhler and Sören Wanke and Christian Weber: Classification of tools and methods for knowledge management in product development,
In: Design 2008 : proceedings of the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 19 - 22, 2008 / Ed.: Dorian Marjanovic. - Zabreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, 2008, Universität des Saarlandes, 20082008
- Jan Conrad and Christian Köhler and Sören Wanke and Christian Weber: What is design knowledge from the viewpoint of CPM/PDD?,
In: Design 2008 : proceedings of the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 19 - 22, 2008 / Ed.: Dorian Marjanovic. - Zabreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, 2008, Universität des Saarlandes, 20082008
- Christian Köhler and Jan Conrad and Sören Wanke and Christian Weber: A matrix representation of the CPM/PDD approach as a means for change impact analysis,
In: Design 2008 : proceedings of the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 19 - 22, 2008 / Ed.: Dorian Marjanovic. - Zabreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, 2008, Universität des Saarlandes, 20082008
- Till Deubel and Jan Conrad and Christian Köhler and Sören Wanke and Christian Weber: Change impact and risk analysis (CIRA) : combining the CPM/PDD theory and FMEA-methodology for an improved engineering change management,
In: Design for society : knowledge, innovation and sustainability ; ICED '07 - Paris, 16th International Conference on Engineering Design ; 28 - 30 August 2007, Paris, France ; conference proceeding. - Paris, 2007, S. 9-10 [Executive Summary], Paper No. 549 [Full Paper, CD-ROM], Universität des Saarlandes, 20072007
- Sören Wanke and Jan Conrad and Christian Köhler: Verhaltensbeschreibende Produktkataloge : ein Anwendungsbeispiel der Solution Patterns des CPM/PDD Ansatzes,
In: Design for X : Beiträge zum 18. Symposium ; Neukirchen, 11. und 12. Oktober 2007. - Erlangen : Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionstechnik, 2007, S. 93-102, Universität des Saarlandes, ISBN 978-3-9808539-5-8, 20072007
- Sören Wanke and Jan Conrad and Christian Köhler: Verhaltensbeschreibende Produktkataloge : ein Anwendungsbeispiel der Solution Patterns des CPM/PDD Ansatzes,
In: Design for X : Beiträge zum 18. Symposium ; Neukirchen, 11. und 12. Oktober 2007. - Erlangen : Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionstechnik, 2007, S. 93-102, Universität des Saarlandes, ISBN 978-3-9808539-5-8, 20072007
- Jan Conrad and Till Deubel and Christian Köhler and Sören Wanke and Christian Weber: Comparison of knowledge representation in PDM and by semantic networks,
In: Design for society : knowledge, innovation and sustainability ; ICED '07 - Paris, 16th International Conference on Engineering Design ; 28 - 30 August 2007, Paris, France ; conference proceeding. - Paris, 2007, S. 583-584 [Executive Summary], Paper No. 550 [Full Paper, CD-ROM], Universität des Saarlandes, 20072007
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Conrad
FachbereicheInformatik und Mikrosystemtechnik
SprechstundeMontag 08:30 - 09:45 Uhr Bitte um Voranmeldung
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