Pratika Rai, Sabrina N. Hoba, Celine Buchmann, Robert J. Subirana-Slotos, Christian Kersten, Tanja Schirmeister, Kristina Endres, Bernd Bufe, Alexey Tarasov, Protease detection in the biosensor era: A review, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 244, 2023, 115788,
Busch, Lukas; Bufe, Bernd, The tip of the iceberg? The underestimated potential of non-canonical beta-amyloids for Alzheimer’s disease, Neural Regeneration Research. Bd. 18. H. 12. Medknow 2023 S. 2689 - 2690,

Dekan FB IMST, Fachbereichsrat IMST, Fachkommission IMST Bachelor MBW FB IMST, Prüfungsausschuss Bachelor MBW FB IMST
- +49 631 3724-5410bernd.bufe(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Raum H132
Busch, L.; Eggert, S.; Endres, K.; Bufe, B. The Hidden Role of Non-Canonical Amyloid β Isoforms in Alzheimer’s Disease. Cells 2022, 11, 3421.
Lukas Busch, Zukaa al Taleb, Yu-Liang Tsai, Vu Thu Thuy Nguyen, Qi Lu, Christopher V. Synatschke, Kristina Endres, Bernd Bufe, Amyloid beta and its naturally occurring N-terminal variants are potent activators of human and mouse formyl peptide receptor 1, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2022.
Endres, Kristina, Bufe, Bernd and Tarasov, Alexey. "The “MultiSensE” consortium" Neuroforum, vol. , no. , 2022.
L. Busch, S. Vieten, S. Brödel, K. Endres, B. Bufe, Emerging contributions of formyl peptide receptors to neurodegenerative diseases, Biological Chemistry. (2021) 000010151520210258.
A. Perniss, S. Liu, B. Boonen, M. Keshavarz, B. Bufe, et. al. Chemosensory Cell-Derived Acetylcholine Drives Tracheal Mucociliary Clearance in Response to Virulence-Associated Formyl Peptides, Immunity. 52 (2020) 683-699.e11.
T. Blum, A. Moreno-Pérez, M. Pyrski, B. Bufe, et. al. Trpc5 deficiency causes hypoprolactinemia and altered function of oscillatory dopamine neurons in the arcuate nucleus, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116 (2019) 15236–15243.
B. Bufe, Y. Teuchert, A. Schmid, M. Pyrski, A. Pérez-Gómez, J. Eisenbeis, T. Timm, T. Ishii, G. Lochnit, M. Bischoff, P. Mombaerts, T. Leinders-Zufall, F. Zufall, Bacterial MgrB peptide activates chemoreceptor Fpr3 in mouse accessory olfactory system and drives avoidance behaviour, Nat. Commun. 10 (2019) 4889.
X. Zhou, K.S. Friedmann, H. Lyrmann, Y. Zhou, R. Schoppmeyer, A. Knörck, S. Mang, C. Hoxha, A. Angenendt, C.S. Backes, C. Mangerich, R. Zhao, S. Cappello, G. Schwär, C. Hässig, M. Neef, B. Bufe, F. Zufall, K. Kruse, B.A. Niemeyer, A. Lis, B. Qu, C. Kummerow, E.C. Schwarz, M. Hoth, A calcium optimum for cytotoxic T lymphocyte and natural killer cell cytotoxicity, J. Physiol. 596 (2018) 2681–2698.
M. Pyrski, E. Eckstein, A. Schmid, B. Bufe, J. Weiss, V. Chubanov, U. Boehm, F. Zufall, Trpm5 expression in the olfactory epithelium, Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 80 (2017) 75–88.
F. Bolz, S. Kasper, B. Bufe, F. Zufall, M. Pyrski, Organization and Plasticity of Sodium Channel Expression in the Mouse Olfactory and Vomeronasal Epithelia, Front. Neuroanat. 11 (2017) 28.
W. Perniss, A., Bufe, B., Zufall, F., Krasteva-Christ, G., Kummer, A Bacterial Signal Peptide Increases Mucociliary Clearance in Explanted Mouse Trachea by Stimulating cholinergic Chemosensory Cells, Pneumologie. 72 (2017) 225.
B. Bufe, F. Zufall, The sensing of bacteria: Emerging principles for the detection of signal sequences by formyl peptide receptors, Biomol. Concepts. 7 (2016) 205–214.
H. Stempel, M. Jung, A. Pérez-Gómez, T. Leinders-Zufall, F. Zufall, B. Bufe, Strain-specific Loss of Formyl Peptide Receptor 3 in the Murine Vomeronasal and Immune Systems*, J. Biol. Chem. 291 (2016) 9762–9775.
G. Kummer, W., Perniß, A., Bufe , B., Krasteva-Christ, A Bacterial Signal Peptide Increases Mucociliary Clearance in Explanted Mouse Trachea, Pneumologie. 70 (2016) 13.