Innovations-Management: Innovation is... what you make of it!
The MBA distance learning program in Innovation Management is a continuing education international and part-time course of study. It is aimed at anyone whose interests and range of tasks extend to the management of the design of innovative products, services, business models, and/or organizations. Our students come from all industries and professional fields—regardless of whether they are change agents, engineers, professionals in organizational or human resource development, leaders, consultants, or simply those interested in innovation.
Innovative Distance Learning: Study materials, online learning, in-depth lectures/workshops, international conferences, and more...
The course is modular and follows the blended learning approach. A combination of self-study, online instruction in small groups to deepen the learning content, and information exchange on our learning platform Moodle specifically addresses the different senses and guarantees learning success.
As a graduate, you will have excellent prospects for taking on a wide range of professional tasks in innovation management with the skills you have acquired during your studies.
Innovative People and Organizations: Innovation strategies for the VUCA world, Holacracy, Innovation Scorecard, Agile collaboration and leadership, co-creation, Scrum, sociocracy, and more...
People are at the center of innovation management—strategy formation and leadership principles in innovative companies are based on this. The transformation of companies and workforces to new forms of collaboration is a key driver of innovation in a VUCA world. But it is always about people, and therefore it is also very significant to deal with people as part of an organization that promotes innovation. How do employees learn in an agile company? How do they develop? How do they work together? How do they engage? (Answers to this can be found in Module 22)
Innovative Variety: Open innovation, business model innovation, digital disruption, frugal innovation, IP management, values-based and sustainable innovation management, and more...
After the MBA basics in the first two terms, the specialization term deals with the conscious planning, design, control, and coordination of innovation in companies. The innovation processes (from the generation of innovative ideas, their transformation into concepts, the technical realization of the concepts to the introduction of new products and services in markets) and current facets of innovation management are considered. These are analyzed both in their fundamentals and on the basis of current research and practical findings (in Module 21).
Innovative Ideas Thanks to Innovation Methodology: Design Thinking, TRIZ, Forecasting with scenarios, trends and innovation patterns, Business Model Innovation, and more...
Innovation should not be a matter of chance. Many different methods from simple creativity techniques to approaches of human-centered innovation as well as complex systematic innovation methods allow the reliable generation of innovative ideas and concepts. Products, services, smart apps, innovative business models, and much more are developed by innovation managers and professionals with such methods. Scenarios and trends offer opportunities for innovation and technology preview—they allow the assessment of innovative concepts and ideas and inspire further innovations (in Module 23).
The distance learning program MBA Innovations-Management is accredited by the AQAS agency.

Fachkommission BW MBA-Fernstudiengänge, Lehrkraft im MBA Innovations-Management, Lehrkraft im MBA Marketing-Management, Lehrkraft im MBA Motorsport-Management, Lehrkraft im MBA Sport-Management, Lehrkraft im MBA Vertriebsingenieur/in
- +49 631 3724-5509Martina.Fremgen(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Zweibrücken
- Raum C015.1